Robert wants to cameo in a new Elm Street, but NOT as Freddy...

IMO, there would be no point in having him in another remake/reboot/re-calibration/reconstitution or whatever you want to call it.

If he's going to be in any new Elm Street, he must return as Freddy.

Pushing 70 or not, if the director and production make things more comfortable for Robert, such as lighter silicone makeup that takes less time to apply and remove but still looks legit, and easier work hours, then I don't see why he couldn't do the role one final time.

Seeing him NOT as Freddy in another Elm Street, will be like seeing the original Ghostbusters cast NOT playing themselves in the new horrible remake.

Come on producers!!! Do something that the fans would die for! Make a real sequel, or just a final movie that doesn't have to acknowledge any of the movies past the first three, and bring Robert back to show the newbies how it's really done!

Also, please blatantly use my ideas here on IMDB, and some of the other good ideas from different members, and we'll be thrilled, at least I will :)


I agree. Unless Robert actually plays Freddy, I don't even want to see another Elm Street movie. The series is dead.



I'm going to have the unpopular opinion on this but...I think we should let Robert simply cameo for nostalgia's sake and move on.

I know this series is beloved to us all but people often want a remake that's EXACTLY like the original. Like beat-for-beat. They want the same actors, the same dialogue, the same time period, the same plot, AND the same production crew. If that's the case, GO WATCH THE ORIGINAL!! It still exists despite many fans "mourning" the deaths of their childhoods because someone DARED to make a new installment.

I mean, go take a peak at the Power Rangers reboot message board. It's FULL of people who just can't accept the original actors aren't going to be in it...playing teenagers again....despite not being teenagers when the show began in the 1st place!! Further, ANY divergence from the original is met with antagonism. "Oh no!! The suits should look EXACTLY the same. Y'know, despite the advancements in costume design and cgi. And how impractical they were in the 1st place."

We've had movies that gave the fans exactly what they want (check out the Psycho remake). It's beat-for-beat a nostalgia fest and it's HORRIBLE. Nothing's changed and the only appeal is "Well, it reminds me of the original." Even the script is the same.

I personally want a Nightmare on Elm Street remake that is both new, innovative, not afraid to take risks BUT is also respectful to the source material. For that, I say, let's get a new Freddy. If Robert approves, why can't we?



Simple: bus driver and/or school nurse.


Simple: bus driver and/or school nurse.

You know what would be really eerie? Make Robert Englund a pre-school instructor or director of an orphanage. Don't even make it a huge role. Just as long as the scene is purposefully unconformable and he offers a line "They're all my children now."

Or a priest, as a callback to Freddy's mother being a nun.

