Taryn Molested by Freddy

So I watched this a couple of nights ago and a line stuck out to me, right before Freddy kills Taryn he says something to her like "We had fun together you and I, don't you remember?" There is this kind of awkward pause and then he gave the line "wanna get high" and killed her.

I know they never came right out and said Freddy was a child molestor, but I always felt that it was there in subtext. I'm watching "Never Sleep Again" tonight, and they confirmed that Freddy was infact a molester but they only reveal in subtext.

So it just confirmed what I thought the other night, I think Freddy molested Taryn when she was little but didn't get the chance to kill her. What do you think?


When he said "we're old friends" I think he was comparing himself to "drugs" since his fingers turned into syringes, saying like "Drugs and taryn were old friends"

That's how I always took it anyway.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


Maybe. You're right though that's the quote, I couldn't remember it exactly. I hear what you're saying it just doesn't make complete sense, being that he's not drugs. It's an easy leap to what you're saying, but the odd pause after he said they just kind of looked at each other for a moment. The molestation thing fits just as easy if not better.


It could go either way, I have no problem believing Freddy molested kids.

At first I did wonder what he meant when he said, "We're old friends" then when he raised up his hands and they had syringes on the ends, I just took it to mean he was calling HIMSELF the drug with the needles and all.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


Could be. That's why they call it subtext. lol


might explain her drug addiction that seemed to be there before Freddy invaded her dreams and\or maybe Freddy saying that made her remember being molested by him as a small child




Oh, Freddy molested kids for sure, but he was burned to death in the late 1960's I believe, so that was before Taryn's time. So yeah, Freddy was talking about the drugs and Taryn being old friends.




I think Freddy only molested the original 20 kids he then murdered when he was alive.



Touche'. I had never seen this site before. Thanks.


I always assumed Freddy was referring to Taryn's drug use BUT I actually really like your theory.

We know Freddy was murdered for molesting the Elm Street Children. It's never directly stated but we know from context and interviews he was doing so and then eventually killing the children after repeated incidents. So, we can also assume some of the victims we see in NOES1-4 were also surviving victims from when Freddy was alive.

While we don't know if Taryn was one of the unlucky ones to be molested by Freddy before his death, we do know Taryn's situation was more "extreme" than the other Elm Street Children. Her parents didn't just move away from the street but the town altogether. They were so desperate to leave Springwood that they fled to a ghetto, choosing to live a harsher life as oppose to having any connection to Freddy. Thus, we can also assume they either a.) Their involvement in his death was more severe and/or b.) Freddy's "involvement" with their child was too painful to let them stay too close.

Personally, I'd wager both. Perhaps Taryn's parents not only had to deal with the reality that their daughter was harmed more than most children (which, from a psychological perspective, could also explain why Taryn values being sexualize since she experienced trauma at a young age but that's another post in itself) but ALSO had to deal with having a particularly heavy hand in Freddy's death (like Taryn's dad came up with the idea or started the fire).



I think a few things would need to be cleared up to make this theory stick: one, if Taryn was one of the 'original' Elm Street children that was caught up in this. Two, if Freddy is even sticking to that since Jesse from Part 2 just had the bad luck to move into the same house. And lastly, what is the timeframe of Dream Warriors? We know that there's a five year gap between Parts 1 and 2, and Nancy has time to get a degree in psychology with a focus in pattern nightmares (and has been dodging Freddy with hypnocil), but does Parts 2 and 3 take place around the same time. I'm all for the theory that Freddy molested Taryn, but I'm a little curious if the timeframes match up very well as this would mean that Freddy was molesting Taryn before she was even born. But even if Dream Warriors and Freddy's Revenge take place at the same time, Taryn might be too young to have even been born before Freddy was killed. Unless Freddy was doing some really, really, REALLY twisted stuff that I don't even want to think about. Ugh.

Honestly, I get the feeling that Freddy stopped focusing on the children of his killers and after possessing Jesse just turned his focus on getting his old kicks now that he had a opportunity to do so in a much more cruel way and without possibly being stopped or being forced to justice.


Hmm...good point. We'd have to have a grasp on the timeline to even see if this theory is viable. We'd need to estimate Taryn's birth year, Freddy's death date and see if it matches with the possible events...

Here's a timeline that may help...


...I've seen if the dates line up and it seems to fit, albeit loosely. The NOES timeline is kinda...well, complicated considering the time jumps and additional installment (spin-offs, TV series, & canon comics) that make it difficult to properly view. But, for the purposes of this post, let's assume it's dates are as correct as possible.

So, we know Taryn died in 1987 as the events of NOES 3-5 are to scale with the actual timeline (NOES 1 is presumed to have happened before the movie itself debuted). It's never directly mentioned how old Taryn is BUT, I presume she's either 16-18. She appeared older than Kristen, who was 16 when she died in 1988 (We know Kristen's age as she and Alice Johnson are in the same class and Alice graduates in 1989). For the purposes of this theory, I'll assume 17-18.

So, with that in mind, Taryn was born in 1970 or 1969. Meanwhile, Freddy was killed in an unspecified date in the late 1960s. So, for this theory is have to have baring, we'd need to assume the two were alive at the same time. Thus, Freddy died in late 1969 or early 1970, lining up when Taryn was just born (i.e. 1969-1970).

THUS, your statement....

Unless Freddy was doing some really, really, REALLY twisted stuff that I don't even want to think about. Ugh.

...may be right. For my theory to have truth, infant Taryn would have to have been one of Freddy's last victims before his death. And a particularly sorrowful victim at that considering she wasn't even 1-year-old at the time. Kinda makes Freddy a lot more scary thinking about it. Also, if Freddy did molest Taryn at that age, it would also make sense as to why her parents would be just a bit more outraged than all the others. At least kids like Nancy, Glenn, and Tina had a chance to fight back, run away or tell their parents if Mr. Kruegar was "bothering" them. If any of the kids at Westin Hills in 1987 crossed paths with Kruegar while he was alive, they'd be much too young to even know what had happened to them or even remember why they should be afraid of him in the 1st place. But, their parents would likely never forget. If true, I can understand why Taryn's parents would think running to an impoverished neighborhood and starting a new life would be a great alternative than living on the same street that caused their family such pain...

