Angela terrified my sister.

I finally showed my younger sister this movie after realizing her taste in old-school horror. I observed her as she watched and made fun of stuff, like the stupid jokes, and she gotten a nice kick out of Sal, finding him the most realist character. Nothing in the film bothered my sister until Angela's dance, followed by ripping Stooge's tongue out his mouth and spitting it back at him with a smile. My sister was shocked, putting her hands over her mouth. I loved it. She got scared again when Angela had her hands on fire and freaked out again when she saw Angela floating the halls. I loved seeing how much this affected her. I thought it was funny when my sister told me it made sense why Freddy & Jason was invited but too afraid to come since Angela would steal the show.


Angela terrified me too when I saw this film. I was going to say demons creep me out but maybe, just maybe, they do scare me.
