MovieChat Forums > Night of the Demons (1988) Discussion > Another thing about ending ...

Another thing about ending ...

If Roger could climb the wall at the very end ... why didn't he when he and Helen were leaving looking for the gate (before all hell broke loose)?

Then he cannont bring Judy up the wall via the barb wire (with one one preventing her) and falls ... but gets back up and can bring her up with 7 zombies tugging her down !!!


The funniest moment in this film for me is when they're hesitant to climb the wall at the end b/c of the barb-wire, and then Roger takes one look at the approaching demon/zombie mob and scales that 10 ft-high wall in 2 seconds flat. :)

Guess nothing motivates one to get their @ss up a huge wall, than their impending doom and desire to save a friend. Or just chalk it up to plot convention. The movie would've been kind of boring if halway through, Roger would've scaled the wall and help everyone else escape before things got too crazy. ;)


'The funniest moment in this film for me is when they're hesitant to climb the wall at the end b/c of the barb-wire, and then Roger takes one look at the approaching demon/zombie mob and scales that 10 ft-high wall in 2 seconds flat.'

That was good. I noticed that whenever Roger was with someone else and a demon appeared, his eyes bugged real big and just bolted, leaving his companion alone. He didn't scream, he just saw something scary and ran. Made me laugh.


You know, I always thought that in the first place Roger and Helen should have just drove the car to the wall, climbed up it and hopped over the wall. Sure they would have left their wheels, but at least they would have been past the underground stream. I know if I had went around the wall as many times as they did and couldn't find a gate, I would have known something was up and wanted to get out of there ASAP.

Kebert Xela
