Is this the one that has...

Is this the one that has a scene with a blonde girl who is possessed climbing/crawling up and across the outside of the house, looking in a window at the others? A horror movie I saw sometime in the late 80s had that scene but I cannot remember what the name of the movie was, and I thought it might be this one but there's no mention of that scene in the synopsis... Can anyone tell me if this is the movie I'm thinking of, or if it isn't, what movie it might be? Thank you!


No, this is not the film. I don't know the film you talked about, but I think you have to be more specific and give more details in order to get the answer from someone. For example, the vampire girl played by Chloë Grace Moretz in Let Me In climbed up the side of the hospital building. But since you said the film was from the late 80s, that couldn't be the answer either.


Well, that's the problem, I haven't seen it in so long that all I have are these vague memories of it... I think the girls in it might have been in a sorority, and I am pretty sure that in the beginning there is something to do with a diner and/or drive in theater... I really wish I could remember more of it, it's very frustrating to only recall bits and pieces. Thanks for letting me know at least I can cross this one of the list of possibilities, though.


Sounds like Killer Party. It opens at a Drive In and the movie is a sorority party in a haunted frat house.

I couldn't find a trailer but there are some preview clips on Youtube

"I'm just not used to being chased around a mall in the middle of the night by killer robots!"


Awesome! Thank you.
