what does sal mean here?

maybe its me, hah but what the hells does he mean when hes in the 'air shaft' ' no wonder there werent any boards on the windows, cant get the *beep* out of here' before suzanne smashes him through the window glass when him and judy first enter the room the lights are dim and he sees the window and says 'theres no boards on it' but when the lights turn on, to me it looks like the window is boarded up.... then at the bottom he says there were no boards on the windows..... i dont know, maybe its silly but i dont get what he means.... no boards on the windows would be a good thing, he could get out easily, ahh im all confused again haha


I think he meant there were no boards on the windows cause they just opened into a huge air shaft with no real way in or out of it

Wait a second.. this is a food restaurant we dont serve salad


ohh ok yeah why put boards on the window when it leads to a dead end anyway...


To confuse the *beep* out of people.

If you love Cheezits and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature.


He was being ironic/sarcastic. It's like, of course he would fall through a window to a place where there's no way out, that's just his luck.


I think he meant there were no boards on the windows cause they just opened into a huge air shaft with no real way in or out of it

I was wondering what he meant too. I guess this makes sense. But the other windows definitely led outside.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
