Angela's Dance Scene

Who else thought that Angela's dance scene was pretty hot? I did, until it started it get too bizarre and creepy...


I thought that this woman must be a dancer and I was correct, she graduated from Interlochen Arts Academy in Interlochen, Michigan with a major in modern dance.




I just got to this part when I hopped on this board. It just started, so I'll write my thoughts on this scene for my umpteenth time watching this movie.

Yep, still pretty hot. Even with the creepiness.

I'm not the kind of person to say atodaso, but you know what? Atodaso, I fvcking atodaso. - Ricky


That was really bizarre. I was really enjoying it too. I could understand that kid's reaction when he was watching her. Heck, I'd be pretty freaked out too. Music automatically turns on, lights flickering...



Angela's a typical female mortician: dark, seductive, and morbid.


I loved that scene too.I thought Angela was easily the sexiest of the girls in the movie.


So hot, definitely the highlight of the film.


It's the most inspired scene of the film, and feels like it should be surrounded by a better film. Outside of the opening credit and dance scene, the film is overrated in the horror community imo. And before I get insulted and told to go watch some new modern horror film...I grew up with this stuff. Horror was my first cinematic love. I adore a good b-movie. This isn't one of them. It's boring as hell and the acting is universally horrible, even for this kind of film.


No insults from me. I agree, it's just decent. I think Linnea's lipstick scene is what gives this movie the hype.

That and the hot nekkid chicks, especially Jill Terashita, is the only thing I watch for mainly.


This movie is also on the creepy side as well. The acting is poor in most areas but the score is chilling and that funeral mansion is downright spooky. I find it a good enough Halloween treat. Why take it so seriously?


As a film, you are absolutely dead-on. There is very little about Night of the Demons, as far as acting performances or plot, that stands out as exemplary horror cinema.

Having said that, it's everything else that made Night of the Demons into something that had life beyond the 80's. Linnea's lipstick scene, Amelia's dance, the score, Stooge's one-liners, Sal's Brooklyn expat delivery, the fact that Alvin Adams' Roger does what every friggin person in a horror film should do if in a similar situation (DON'T JUST STAND THERE, RUN LIKE HELL), and so on. Include the t&a, a staple of 1980's horror (Jill, Amelia, Linnea, Cathy, all represented well on that front), and you can see why this movie has hung around as long as it has.

It was a movie that didn't just settle for low budget cheese status -- it revelled in it.

There are much better acted, better scripted and better filmed horror movies that came out around the same time; still, I don't know if I can think of too many that had NotD's budget and were so damn entertaining.

I will say this, though: there was nothing at all poor about the makeup effects. They were VERY well done in this film -- even compared to some films that had a much higher budget. I remember the demon makeup being distinctly awesome.


Great post Injinn. I agree with everything you say and they're the very reasons I love this movie.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


For me, all the scenes with Angela are the best parts of the film.
Amelia is so sexy!


the music where the guys screaming loud stuff, that was annoying, near the end where sal is clearly freaked out haha. i love when he says careful man shes acting really *beep* weird. hahah laugh my head off at that part


It's honestly my favorite scene in the film. Don't get me wrong; I love this movie but that dance scene is so wonderfully dark, creepy and evil yet kinetic and sexy at the same time that it just stands out. 'Stigmata Martyr' by Bauhaus was an absolutely perfect song to use too. I love that Amelia Kinkade is the one who not only suggested the song but choreographed the whole sequence.

"Living our maggot lives, dreaming of becoming flies."


It's a lot of fun.

This whole movie is a lot of fun.


I wouldn't say it was "hot", (or sexy, or erotic) but it's very captivating, and it really draws you in (not in a sexual way).


I thought it was pretty hot too. I didn't realize that she was the choreographer also, but I guess that makes sense.

The coolest trivia I learnt though was that Angela is the niece of Rue McClanahan (Golden Girls' Blanche Devereaux).

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Hello everybody!
I think they used body-double for showing naked parts of Amelia. Just think when we see Amelia's face her dress becomes nontransparent and dense, and bang we don't see her face and her dress becomes light and transparent and we can look at her(i mean her body-double's) legs and panties...



Kevin Tenney confirmed it was a montage of different shots with different dresses used as an effect to un-nerve the viewer at a con a few years back or something to that level.


Thank you! So it was her naked parts 😍? Great! I'm REALLY glad!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
