As awful as they say
This is a tough movie to watch for a man, and I would assume if you are Italian you'd be pretty insulted. I mean have you ever heard of Italian people named Loretta or Cosmo.?
Cher can't act but you knew that. I really liked how her Brooklyn accent faded away over the course of the film and her hair magically got curlier and huger.
What really got to me was the dialogue which is amazing because it won the Acedemy Award for best script. Cher and Cage have this one on one where she says something like "that's what happened between you and you" This dialogue escalates to a point where Cage screams "a bride without a head" to which Cher cleverly replies "a wolf without a paw" (She actually says woof over and over).
Is it stupid? Is it romantic? Your take.