Bad, But Not That Bad

I noticed that Meatballs III was ranked #36 on the bottom 100, which I think is a shame. Sure, Meatballs III is far from a great movie, but it's really not all that bad. If you're going to watch Meatballs III, it helps if you're already a fan of the 80s summer camp genre (even though there is no camp in this installment of the series). Because if you go into this movie with a clear understanding that you are watching a by-the-numbers 1980s gotta-get-laid movie, you'll probably enjoy the few original ideas and gags that Meatballs III has to offer. All in all, it's too bad that this movie is regarded so poorly.


I enjoyed watching this movie. I use to watch this movie all of the time on USA UP ALL NIGHT on The USA Network every weekend. Plus, this use to be shown during the week and weekends as well. It was a great movie to watch.

It is a shame that The USA Network had to change the programming due to NBC buying them out. I would love to see USA UP ALL NIGHT back on again! It was a great show to watch with Rhonda Shear and Gilbert Gottfried.



Did you sign the petition guy? Here it is if you want to sign it and help out to get it back on the air again!

Thanks again guy!



Agreed, I have seen loads of films much worse than M3. At to moment M3 is rated 2.6? There is way more entertainment value than a 2.6 ... I movie that I would rate 2.6, falls under that category of films that I wouldn't watch in their entirety, as I physically couldn't handle watching it to the end, because it would give me a headache or make me psychosomatically nautious.

In the case of M3, I find something funny going on throughout the entire film, that alone makes the rating of 2.6 unrealistic. But hey, I've never trusted IMDB'S rating system anyways so whatever.

grrr arg h4x0r 7Eh pl4NE7
