Idea for Remake
I love movies so much. This is one of my favorite films and as much as many do not like the sequel to this movie but I loved it. Now, my idea for a remake; which many are opposed to, but, here it goes...
Why not bring back Emmy & Jonathan Switcher happily married and they own either their own department store in a Mall, or a Mall with many stores leaving. Right now there are so many store like Macy's, etc. going out of business because of Amazon, etc.
Yes, I am a child of the 80-90's and love those times when you would meet friends at the mall, go to record/movie store. I own a Movie rental store in a small town and we stay busy due to cable is expensive, and people like to get out of the house and rent items you cannot find on Netflix, Cable or any other place on the internet.
I know I NEED to change with technology, just like Malls and Box stores do. Maybe this REMAKE/SEQUEL could focus on those changes that work? Emmy & Jonathan look to the PAST to help their family's & stores future. Create displays, Something FUN, EXCITING & NEW that brings people into the store that they cannot see online.
I know we cannot bring Hollywood back, but maybe, Hollywood left a clue and maybe Emmy has held onto a secret that she has passed onto her children without knowing. This 'magic' will use the past to help save their store/mall. It is just an idea; which can be fleshed out by talented writers. Just use the original cast if possible to ignite a new passing a torch.
Thank you