Malkovich's eyes...

What was the point of making them blue? I just saw some of his pictures now and saw that they are brown, so what reason could there be to make them blue?

"People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling"


I'm not entirely sure this answer would be correct, but I am thinking the writers envisioned Dr. Peters as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed man. Therefore, Ulysses being a visual copy of him, would possess the same features. I know its circular logic, but I don't think there was any real reason to it beyond that. UNLESS, the writers thought of how Ulysses should look and worked their way backwards for Dr. Peters' appearance. The latter would make sense in so much as they wanted Ulysses to be the "perfect" man visually - which is generally translated in Western Society as blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Has an undertone of Aryanism, I doubt that was intended. Besides, John Malkovich was already balding when the film was made (that would have been an interesting look for Ulysses)...if they put a wig on him, why not contacts as well LOL ;)!


Who the hell notices that kind of crap?
