
How is he the head vampire? Does Dracula exist in their universe? Is max supposed to basically be their version of Dracula (got his power from making a deal with satan). If one of the bad vampires survived after max died, would they also return to normal, even though they’ve made their first kill? What happened when Michael “falls” into his bed after falling from the bridge- the mom says he walked in during the night? Is it like dying in a video game and you start over at the beginning, which is just where he woke up the previous morning? And most importantly, HOW THE FUCK did Michael and grandpa time the pointed posts shooting through Max’s body? I love this movie but all these need to be addressed in my opinion.


Suspend disbelief and enjoy the movie.

Who knows and who cares how these things happen in movies.


I’m with you on suspending belief for the purpose of enjoying a fictional story. But how far does that go? I’m fine with vampires existing in the story, magically seeing worms/maggots, death by stereo, garlic don’t work boys, I could go on… but the wooden posts through max because Michael hears the horn and knows grandpa will come crashing in? Come on now


Michael and Grandpa didn't plan or time anything. Max had been battling Michael, and was about to bite and turn Lucy when Grandpa arrived. The horn blowing (while announcing Grandpa's arrival) also served as a distraction of sorts even though Grandpa could not have known what was going on inside. When Grandpa crashed into the house, it just so happened that the wooden posts got propelled through the air and impaled Max.

It's no different than numerous Hollywood endings where physics are defied, or other miraculous feats occur that defeat/kill the enemy. Those feats always run contrary to what is possible in real life.


i think dracula does exist. there is a prequel script about david becoming a vampire and there is a vampire named vlad.
