Did David really die?

He never had the traumatic death the others had, which was explained had to happen when a vampire bites it. Also the rod never seemed to me to be at his heart....more like it just missed it.


I'm not so sure if he died either. I heard that he didn't die.....

Six demon bag, sensational. Whats in it egg?


He didn't die he was meant to be in s sequel that never happened



he didn't die. they made a comic that explained the antlers missed his heart he also wasn't sired by max he was sired by the widow johnson who in turn was sired from max



Yep. also the widow johnson in the comics is far scarier than max. she can turn into a hulking beast like vampire that has massive arms


Too bad nobody cares about the stupid comics so none of that is the real story.


I consider this movie the end of the story. Anything that came out after this movie just doesn't exist for me (like the "sequels".) The comics, especially, went in a dumb and completely unnecessary direction and I don't consider them canon.


He never had the traumatic death the others had, which was explained had to happen when a vampire bites it.

Actually, no. It's explicitly stated no two vampires die the same. Some scream. Some go quietly.

Can't stop the signal.


And in any case I would say that an antler to the heart would be pretty traumatic - I sure wouldn't want to go that way!


Of course he’s dead, the whole point was to show that even after he dies the half-vampires still haven’t reverted because there’s one more. He wasn’t the head vampire after all.

The only reason David’s fate is now questioned is because there was sequel talk which involved resurrecting him. Obviously that’s just greed driving a decision to retcon what happened and thankfully it never came to fruition.


agreeds 100%, Drooch. a sequels will just be full of woketard agendas and fuck ups hahahahhaha.
