I know this maybe a shocker but I think The Lost Boys is a terrible film their's nothing about it I enjoy but it pisses me off to see a much better film in "Near Dark" released around the same time get the attention stolen from a sub-par below average kiddie film in The Lost Boys.
Near Dark was beautiful I felt more emotionally invested in the romantic realtionship in that film.The main vampire baddies we're a lot more interesting and fun to watch.
The Lost Boys was terrible I prefer The Tribe over the overrated Lost Boys and the horrendous The Thrist.
I like near dark but It probably would have sunk at the box office without any help from the lost boys - It didn't have a big advertising campaign like TLB did, I like both films for different reasons - there's no need to pit them against one another, they're both about Vampires but have completely different tones and audiences - Near Dark has an indie vibe and Lost Boys has a flashy teen summer box office thing.
You must be the only person on the planet to prefer The Thirst over The Lost Boys. The Thirst was mediocre. The Lost Boys is one of the best 80s teen movies and definitely the best teen vampire movie ever made. Makes Twilight look like a depressing Disney movie.
The Lost Boys is one of the best 80s teen movies and definitely the best teen vampire movie ever made. Makes Twilight look like a depressing Disney movie.
I have always loved The Lost Boys for what it is. I think that it is a lighter and more teen-friendly film than Near Dark which is much darker in tone and content. Comparing them really isn't fair to either one of them in my opinion. Plus The Lost Boys was produced by a major studio and had a major publicity campaign behind it. I remember the trailer being run on MTV repeatedly as a well as the music video. Near Dark was a smaller film independently produced by the bankrupt DEG. It just didn't have the momentum or studio machinery that The Lost Boys did. I think the only reason a lot of people saw it was because of the casting of three Aliens alumni. Aliens,the 1986 sequel to Alien, had been released in 1986 and Lance Henrikson, Jeannette Goldstein, and Bill Paxton were key cast members in that film. They all wound up back together again in Near Dark. As I have read it James Cameron suggested to Kathrine Bigelow that she cast all three in Near Dark.
Near Dark is a very good film, but The Lost Boys IMO is the greatest, mind you I grew up with it so it holds a lot of nostalgia for me as well as being a great film.
That's your opinion, OP, but doesn't make it fact. Personally I rate the Lost Boys way higher for atmosphere, music, comedy and chills - the whole package. Near Dark was fairly depressing and had nowhere near the impact on me of Lost Boys.
AGREED ! Near Dark was a WAY better film. Sexier leading Lady by far and wicked cool scenes of violence and shock and not packed wall to wall with pop music and loud fashions and hair styles. Much more aimed at serious horror fans. Lost Boys is a piece of fluff with almost no scares and an excessive amount of INXS tunes.