MovieChat Forums > The Lost Boys (1987) Discussion > star can enter but sam couldnt?

star can enter but sam couldnt?

why did sam need permission (presumably) from david before he could enter the house. He needed to be invited. (presumably).
Star flew up into the house without being invited. She was UNinvited. Was she able to enter because she was just a half-vampire?


You've got your names all messed up. Sam was the younger brother (Corey Haim), David was the leader of the vampire bikers (Kiefer Sutherland). Michael was the older brother (Jason Patric). Max was head vampire (Edward Hermann) who was dating the brothers' mom.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


Non-answer of the century.


Gibberish question of the century.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!




Not really. Your question made no sense because you messed all the names up. Granted he could have still answered your question, but it in order for it to make sense to others it needed correcting


That wasn't correcting. That was trolling.



yes i got the names all mixed up i don't know how that happened. I think its like when the mom calls Max, "ed", at the video store. Mix-ups happen please forgive me.


I think Ed was just a guy who worked at the video shop


Youre forgiven. It wasnt meant rudely but like I said, it was very hard to understand so did need pointing out.


I don't think the vamps need permission to enter because the lost boys attack the family at the end of the film, getting permission is desired because as Max, said "it renders you powerless".


Star is not a full blooded vampire so the rules do not apply. She hadn't killed anybody yet.


The reason Micheal was begging Sam to open the window is because he wasn't in control of his body as it was trying to fly him presumably back to David's hideout. He was holding on to the phone (corded of course), and was yelling at Sam to open the window because windows have to be opened from the inside. He didn't need an invitation to enter because it was his own home, he just needed some help to get back in and get control of himself.

"Yeah, they're dead, they're all messed up"


erm, what's that got to do with anything? lol


Allow me to clear this up.

Max, the head vampire, at the end says :

'Never invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy. It renders you powerless.'

So taking that literally, the rule The Lost Boys operates under is that ANY vampire can enter ANY house - but IF YOU INVITE THEM, it makes them immune to the usual weaknesses.

Does that help?

Nowhere in The Lost Boys does it specifically state that a vampire NEEDS an invitation. That's just popular vampire lore.

And as we all know, every vampire movie operates under it's OWN rules.


no it didnt help. why did the other vampires during the home raid have powers if the wernt invited.


its not that they will lose their power but that they will lose their weaknesses if they get invited. well other then a stake to the heart as we saw with at the end of the film.

Portia Perez Fan


The stake to the heart kills Max because he wasn’t invited into the house on that occasion.


[quoteWas she able to enter because she was just a half-vampire? ][/quote]

Yeah I think that's the explanation.

It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.



Vampires don't need an invitation to enter, as proven by the climax.

However, inviting a vampire in renders the victim powerless with most of the tests and weaknesses, only the stake through the heart works.

Does IMDB hate apostrophes?


I find it a little covenient that the Frog brothers didnt know the lore of inviting a vampire into your house.

I thought they were clued up on the subject.


If I may reply to my own post,

maybe the writers overlooked that possibility in order to keep the suspense of who was a vampire and thus who the head vampire was.


It was explained in the movie. Sam goes: "Did you know that?" Edgar humorously goes: "Of course, I did" knowing he didn't. Remember they learned most of their stuff from comics. They didn't know everything.

I liked it better this way. it is actually more real. A group of teens shouldn't know everything about vampires except basic folklore. It makes more sense and gives the vampires more of an advantage.


They did know it. Or at least they say they did at the end, and since it was Mike who invited Max in and they never made that mistake there is no reason to doubt them.


I always wondered why the holy water and mirror tricks didn't work on Max at dinner, but I figured it was because he was invited in.


>>I always wondered why the holy water and mirror tricks didn't work on Max at dinner, but I figured it was because he was invited in.

That is explained right in the movie. When it is revealed that Max is indeed a vampire someone (Sam, I think, or maybe a Frog's been a while since I've seen it) says, "But the mirror and the holy water?" (or words to that effect) and Max replies, "Never invite a vampire into your house. It renders you powerless." So, yeah, that's why it didn't work, because inviting them in means your tests won't work.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny! 


It really doesn't make a lot of sense. The logic in the movie seems to be that if a vampire enters a home without an invitation, the "traps" meant to prove Max was the head vampire (garlic, holy water, mirror) would have worked, but did not in that particular case, as Max had been invited into the home. But then again, the stake through the heart later killed Max--if the invitation had really rendered the homeowners "powerless", shouldn't that method also not have worked? So either a) a stake through the heart works in any context or b) the invitation only renders the homeowners powerless from when the vampire enters the home to when he or she leaves. In other words, maybe a vampire needs an invitation into the home EVERY SINGLE TIME in order to be invulnerable.

Of course, as we later find out in the film, garlic is useless against vampires, so it wouldn't have worked on Max regardless, though the mirror and holy water certainly should have.


I think staking the heart can kill the invited vampire anyway.


Viago: If you hammer a stake through our hearts, we die.
Vladislav: But really, anything will die if you put a stake in their heart (check the movie, it is so funny)


Yes, a vampire needs a fresh invitation every time he enters for the humans to be rendered powerless. Max didn’t have an invitation on his second visit, so Grandpa’s stake killed him.
