MovieChat Forums > La Bamba (1987) Discussion > 'Richie? Is he an Italian?'

'Richie? Is he an Italian?'

Donna's father actually asks a really good question. Her response should have been, "That depends on what movie he is in".

Lou Diamond Phillips is a multiracial cameleon. In La Bamba he was Mexican, in Young Guns he was native American, and he has also played Asians. He could very well also be an Italian, if the role called for it.

What other races has LDP played?

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Actually, Donna's father said it more like this: What is he, I-talian?

Obviously he could tell that Ritchie wasn't white(even though Italians are classified as white) and no matter how he tried to sugarcoat it, Donna realized at that moment that her father was racist.


I am sure Donna knew it from day one. Lou Diamond Phillips was a Filipino playing the part of a Mexican-American.



Donna realized at that moment that her father was racist.

lol, well when it comes to interracial dating, one has to navigate those waters from time to time, even from those who you never knew harbored those sentiments. I've had to deal w/ being on the receiving end of certain sentiments & go "oh yeah, its the race thing isn't it?"


As an Italian-American myself I wondered if her father hoped he was Italian or thought Italians were just as bad as Mexicans.

"Don't "yeah,yeah" me, Lois."


It definitely sounded like he would prefer him to be Italian than Mexican. His tone was somewhat hopeful.


Not that there's anything wrong with Mexicans.


He hoped he was Italian. We are white, but some of us are darker than other white people.

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." -Kurt Cobain


LDP is bascially of asian descent (mother's side) and has played a mexican-american in la bamba, stand & deliver and the young guns movies (altho that was supposedly a mix of mexican and native american). i think that about covers movies where "race" was indicated.

"He must've thought it was white boy day. It ain't white boy day, is it?"
