Winter Party Tour
This was the tour that Ritchie was on when he was killed. It has to be the most ill-conceived, poorly-planned event in music history. The promoters who planned it didn't take certain things into consideration which if they had, those who died might still be alive. Among these are the following:
Geography/Weather: The tour was confined to the Upper Midwest where during the winter months, the weather is horrible. Below-zero temperatures, blizzards, and limited visability on icy roads can be encountered on a daily basis. It is no wonder some of the musicians became ill, even got frostbite. Surprising that the bus didn't crash.
Tour Schedule: This was the worst part. The venues were not planned out in a logical pattern to make travel easier. For example, they had one show, then would have to travel hundreds of miles to the next one, then backtrack for another show at a location much closer to the first one. With all the miles traveled in a limited amount of time, it is no surprise that the bus kept breaking down. Had this tour been planned better, there would have been less travel in harsh conditions, more time to get other things done, such as laundry, sleep, etc.
Maybe there wouldn't have been such an urgent need by those that died to get on the plane if the promoters hadn't thought so much about earning money and thought more about those who earned it for them.