"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. For those of you who don’t know me, my name’s Hoagie. Yes, like the sandwich but only less filling and far messier after a shark attack.
You might recognize me from my… cinematic masterpiece. Or as I like to call it: Michael Caine Pays for a New House."
[Glug, glug, glug]
"Now, I know what you’re thinking: How does a man survive a plane crash, a shark attack and still have time to fall in love with a widow on a tropical island?
The answer is simple: Waga, waga, waga!"
(seen drunk in 1999 with vhs recent uploads on YT)
"You’ve got to give it to that shark though. A sea beast with the brain the size of a walnut"
*coughs* *coughs*
Hoagie continues:
"Not my nuts, but it makes you kind of wonder?
A salty ocean hitman or my wife? "
Like, what did the Ellen do to deserve all of this?
Overdue library books?"
Thank you ladies and gentleman...I'll be back soon hopefully.