MovieChat Forums > Jaws: The Revenge (1987) Discussion > 8 year old boy told me recently that thi...

8 year old boy told me recently that this was his favorite movie!

It was at the school I was working at for the day, and a boy in 3rd grade was wearing a t-shirt with a great white shark on it, and I asked him if he'd ever seen "Jaws". Well, not only had he seen it, but he'd seen all the sequels, and then he told me that "Jaws: The Revenge" was his favorite movie of all time. Considering that the movie was made some 20+ years before he was even born, and considering that the movie is relatively obscure and is really not even bad-good, I was a little intrigued. I asked him what his favorite part was, and he said the banana boat massacre. So I guess that part made sense. It was kind of surreal. Jaws: The Revenge? Bless his heart.

It could have been much worse, though. He could have said his favorite movie was "The Godfather, Part 2" or "Salo, in which I would have recommend the boy to be immediately institutionalized. Now that I am more seriously considering things from the bigger picture, maybe he shows real promise. After all, when I was 8 years old, my favorite movie was "Strait Jacket" and look how well I turned out. 😨 (And "Jaws 2" was definitely in my top 5, so there ya go!)

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna



Yes, the little kids can be very cute, Nan. They are completely honest and guileless. It's a treat. And some of the things they say are very funny. Yeah, having "Jaws: The Revenge" as your favorite movie is kind of precious. Even if I don't really like the movie itself. But I totally get it.

Nan, where did you used to work with little kids?

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna



All little kids have a tendency towards extreme cuteness, but (and I sincerely hope I'm not being Un-PC because I'm going to say it anyway) the little Asian children I find to be the absolute cutest. They're dolls.

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna



I'm partial to the little Hispanics though,

And, apparently, chubby little mice!


I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna



Keep children away from Nan, she is scaring me. 😊

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. πŸͺ



Because your belly looks like you'd eat up little children whole, bones and all. How greedy! πŸ˜‹

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. πŸͺ



You had Italian sausage now did ya Nan! That sounds more filthy in more ways than one. Mamma Mia! 😰

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. πŸͺ



I don't know if I already told you but I liked Straight Jacket too, but I also liked Mary Poppins

LOL! No, you didn't tell me that, Nan. I would have remembered that for sure! "Strait Jacket" and "Mary Poppins", I love it! Perhaps the ultimate double feature!

Or... "When You're Short One Umbrella, An Axe Will Do The Trick!"

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna



I don't know if I had a favorite film when I was 8yrs old Mr. H. I recall that EARTHQUAKE-74' had impressed me in the cinema and it took me several yrs to shake that one off. Perhaps SALO-75' would have been my favorite film if it hadn't been banned, I was only 8 when that one was released. 😨

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. πŸͺ


"Earthquake" was lots of fun. Especially for an 8 year-old boy. πŸ˜‰

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna



I think it awesome that you were able to single out one film when you were 8yrs old Mr. H and could claim it to be your favorite. That shows a lot of self-awareness and also self-assuredness. I had seen older movies on tv, but my parents were quite strict with tv viewing hours and when I was 7 we didn't have a tv at all for 8yrs. I would watch some tv shows and movies at neighbors homes; but going to the movies was always a treat and the bigger the presentation and spectacle of the film the better.

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. πŸͺ


I think it awesome that you were able to single out one film when you were 8yrs old Mr. H and could claim it to be your favorite.

I've always been very OCD about my "favorite movies" list, Rascal. It's probably the one thing where my confidence has never wavered. Though I did go through several favorite movies up until "Carrie" became my ultimate favorite when I was in my late 20s.

I think I can remember most of my earlier favorites, Rascal. Not necessarily in order.

"The Wizard of Oz"
"Pillow Talk"
"Caprice" (1967)
"Strait Jacket"
"I Saw What You Did!"
"Foul Play"
"The Mirror Crack'd"
"West Side Story"
"The Birds"
"A Streetcar Named Desire"
"Sunday, Bloody Sunday"
"Jules and Jim"

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna



The Marina Gregg character was based on Gene Tierney? No, I did not know that, Nan. That is very interesting. Did GT have a miscarriage/suffer from depression? I don't know a whole lot about Gene Tierney.

Do you like Agatha Christie?

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna

