During the course of the movie it is discovered that Lydia is pregnant when Tuck is accidentaly transferred into Lydia's body and sees a fetus. However, Lydia does not show any obvious signs of being pregnant throughout the movie (Although she could have had the baby by the time she and Tuck were married, but I don't recall seeing a baby at the wedding). Does anyone know if she would have been showing her pregnancy at that stage of fetal development?
She was only two months pregnant so she would not be showing yet. however when they showed the fetus that Tuck saw it was more developed than a two month fetus should have been. Also tuck would not have been able to get that close. I dont think that they gave a time gap to the wedding so if it was withing a month than she wouldnt be showing or have a baby at the wedding.
Maybe she was only two months pregnant at the time, because she leaves him at the beginning and then it says Two Months Later. And the wedding at the end might have been shortly after the adventure because they are reunited. Actually, at the end, since the villians are still half-size, maybe not a lot of time had passed since I think the villians by then would've found a way to return to normal size. Just a thought as I'm typing.
I also think that the wedding was really quick (who has time to organise that a wedding that quick???) only cos if you remember Jack gives Tuck and Lydia his cruise tickets which im guessing was to be taken soon after jack originally booked it as his boss sent him home and said start your vacation early. Plus there is no way if it was after she had given birth would she go away without a newborn baby I personally think the pregancy part was just firstly to show Tuck that he wasnt in Jack anymore and also to create a nice emotional moment in the film
Remember though that Tuck had the chips, and the villains would need both for re-enlargement. One of the scientists during the movie said that he could make copies, but why make copies just so the bad guys could get back to normal?
I have no enemies, but am intensely disliked by my friends.
Actually, in my opinion, the movie is very accurate for Lydia's pregnancy.
The storyline strongly hints that the reason WHY Lydia leaves Tuck at the start at the movie is because she already knows she's pregnant - comments such as "things are different now", she isn't shown to be drinking alcohol at any stage of the movie - including at the beginning when everyone else is. Obviously feeling torn because of their situation (he's just resigned his commission, keeps getting drunk etc) she panics over the thought of him being an unfit/unsuitable father.
So, with this in mind, she'd already have to be at least a month pregnant to know about it - fast forward to 2 months later, which would make her approx. 3 months :) The fetus looks correctly developed for around that stage (google is your friend!), and most women don't start showing until around 4-5 months for their first pregnancy.
We can only assume it was a shotgun wedding, which, given the circumstances at the end of the flick, wouldn't be unusual.
Ok, just watched it again and can confirm it was definitely a shotgun wedding that took place only days after Tuck was re-enlarged. If you listen to the dialogue after they run out the chapel, Tuck thanks Jack for giving them his cruise tickets, to which he responds that it was "only 2 years savinkets
Obviously these are the same cruise tickets Jack was booking at the start of the film to help with his diagnosed anxiety issues (which are no longer existent as he has become a changed man after this adventure) and were delivered to his unit by the fake messenger later on :)