
The instructor who talked to the newbies while the Vietnamese guy with the rpg crept up on them said they came over on a program then went back to the other side.

What program was this and what advantage was there to the US/ARVN if they just let the US fatten them up, then they returned to the NVA/Vietcong ?

You wanna f * * k with me? Okay. Say hello to my little friend! (Tony Montana)


It was called the Chieu hoi program. Can look it up on Wikipedia. Knew some old timers who served in Vietnam when I was in the Army. Heard them talking about working with "Chieu hoi's". Cannot remember what they said exactly but got the impression they thought the program was B.S.


No GI's really liked the Chu Hoi's (sometimes called "Kit Carson Scouts"). BUT there are no records of them turning on GI's or going back over--unlike certain indiginous personel used as mercs by the Special Forces like the Nuong.

Remember these Kit Carsons were traitors to the Communists. If they were caught they were executed, if they were lucky. If not lucky they would be tortured, then executed. Now I guess the NVA could have sent spies into the program, but given the lack of communication on the NVA/VC side then how would they prove that if they were caputred back by the commies later?



I don't know, but I bet there were a couple of Kit Carsons that had a change of mind and went back...when they got the chance to escape. I don't think they were all that trusted, maybe some were. But I heard that the small teams and Special Forces really liked the Montagnards and 'Bodes.

you were born a pig farmer.
you'll always BE a pig farmer.
And now, you will DIE a pig farmer.
