MovieChat Forums > Hamburger Hill (1987) Discussion > This is one of the best Vietnam War movi...

This is one of the best Vietnam War movies ever!

This movie is great. It is the most realistic. Platoon was Sh*t. It was glossy and terrible. Hamburger Hill's battle scenes are expertly staged and the sounds are very realistic and the grenade explosions are actually realistic, they dont blow up a whole building, there radius is very small.


Damn right! Such a great movie, the battle scenes are as you say expertly staged and realistic etc, i agree with you totally


yeah - it´s good - havent´seen it but I heard it is suposed to be good man yeah



And let's not forget Full Metal Jacket. Best vietna war movie ever.

Yippie-Ki-Yay, Motherf**ker!



Mabye it is somewhat standard, but In my opinion it is one of the most realistic. The head exploding scene although cool, in a way, was sorta cheesy, but two peole explode in a mist of flesh and blood, which is cool, kinda hard to see, but cool. But this is a good movie, good acting, and a pretty good score.



Yeah, I think Hamburger Hill depicts the Vietnam war realistically, without grand shootouts or gorgeous cinematography... It is simply realistic and for me, it really put in the shoes of Frantz and his army.. Love it!


Agreed wholeheartedly. I put on my headphone and amazed by the sound quality of this movie.

The use of light and shadow in some scenes is just breath taking.

This is gotta be the most underrated Nam movie ever.

An elderly Vietnamese lady once told me, "the war was bad, but it was MUCH WORSE after USA left [after the commies won Nam.]"


After doing 2 years active in the Marines, (04 to 06 with 5/10 HQ BTRY), the director got a lot right about the military. The realism of the sounds is what really gets to me, and the accuracy of equipment and radio jargon. I dont watch war movies anymore after being a Marine, but maybe one day i will.


it is on now
I will watch it
