MovieChat Forums > Hamburger Hill (1987) Discussion > Best one liner in the movie!!! YOU HAVE ...

Best one liner in the movie!!! YOU HAVE TO READ THIS!

I can't believe they dont list the quote in the film by dylan mcdermont when he says somethign like "boo brothers a queer, my mom didnt love me and my dad left us when i was 2...i really dont remember all of it i just remember it was amazing and wanted to know if any of you other hamburger fans memorized it or definitely loved it the best out of all the rest?


It just so happens that I have the DVD and played the scene several times to get the quote right. SSgt Frantz is talking to the new guys while they're watching an NVA regular named Han show how he can cut through a booby-trapped perimeter wire and sneak into the firebase. Frantz says this whole thing in almost a single breath:
"I'm an orphan, my brother's queer, the city of Chicago got the clap from my sister, mom drinks, dad coughs blood, I have ringworm, immersion foot, the incurable crud, and the draft ruined my chances of being a brain surgeon. People, you have no problem, except me ...and him."


Good movie.


Yeah Hamburger Hill is very realsitic just like Black Hawk Down, screw platoon, and FMJ they were not gritty enouggh.
Semper Fidelis



umm black hawk down wasn't that realistic actually


It was very well filmed though, didnt love the movie overall though. Not even close to this one


Screw you, pleople! You only like this movie, because you can see human guts flying around.
Bloody bastards

*We got a bookoo movement *



black hawk down is realistic. check your facts.


go on tell me how? the general idea was there but when u get to the characters it all falls apart!!!

Damn good movie tho

"IS that you John Wayne? Is this me?"


LOL - Maybe not to everyone's humour but I found it funny.

Around halfway into the movie as usual they are fighting for their life to try and get up the hill when an airstrike is called in over the radio...

The airstrike arrives and the guy (maybe McDaniel?) cheers and whoops still with the radio in his hand shouting "Woohoo thats it boys blow those suckers outta there" or something like that which an nasal response comes back over the radio
"Uh, please follow proper radio procedure in responding, over"

LOL :)
