List of others.

Could anyone else give me names of other Vietnam War movies?????

We can DO IT ALLLL DAY LONG, (We'll have to pay more for the light bill if we do it at night!)



Platoon, Full Metal jacket, Apocolypse Now, Tour of Duty, Good Morning Vietnam, Tigerland, Rambo First Blood Part II , The Deerhunter....


I don't think of Apocolypse Now or Deer Hunter as Vietnam movies, certainly not First Blood Part II (Though if Deer Hunter is a VN movie First Blood, the only decent one, is as well) Some you missed...

We Were Soldiers: best one IMO
Platoon Leader: Okay action not a good film
Siege at Firebase Gloria: About the Same
Purple Hearts: pretty good love story set in VN
Green berets: Lothed by many but I love it
Odd and Angry Shot: Excelent Australian Film but very hard to find
Go Tell the Spartans: Burt Lancaster, about the early advisory effor, great film

I'm seeing a coupl more in my head but can't think of the names right now


The Deer Hunter is most certainly a Vietnam movie, I know I was pushing it a bit with First Blood Part II though! Can't believe I forgot We Were Soldiers, it is excellent. I love John Wayne but I hate The Green Berets, awful film, cringeworthy last scene. Haven't seen any of your other ones, just thought of a couple more.

Casualties of War
Born on the Fourth of July.


Yeah, if you're going to put in First Blood II then you have to include a whole host of "go back and rescue the POWs" movies. The only one I liked at all, and the only one approaching realism was Uncommon Valor (though it happened in Laos so...)

Dear Hunter, First Blood, Born on the Forth of July...I don't really include them because most of the stuff doesn't happen in Vietnam. But that's where I draw my line.

Totaly disagree about Green Berets. Sure it's not to the same standard as other movies mentioned but it covers a part of the war that no other movie touches, and if the sun set scene ruins it for you then I could point out some things in the others as well.


not just the sunset, John Waynes last line, when he is with the little kid, something along the lines of "this is for you", yeah right John of course thats what the war was all for, the little kids. Plus it was such an old fashioned war movie, we all know how horrific that war was, as all are.


The actual line.... John Wayne says "You're what this is all about", at the end. Bad, bad film.


Sure its an old fasion war movie. It was made in 1968 and it was G rated I think. You want to hold it to the standard of movies made in the 80s?


Platoon, Casualties of War, Good Morninig Vietnam, Full Metal Jacket, Forest Gump


84 Charlie Mopic, The Boys in Company C, A Rumor of War. All of these are recommended, especially Charlie Mopic, a great low-budget film.

I don't know how you can argue Apocalypse Now is not a Vietnam film, when many argue it is the quintessential Vietnam film.

The Deer Hunter has scenes in Vietnam and the war is the central theme of the film. That's my definition of a Vietnam film. Same goes for Born on the Fourth of July.

The Green Berets is so bad it's laughable, which in many ways is a good thing. We've been making fun of that film the past 30 years. It is also offensive, if you take it seriously at any level (I never did). Every film guide gives it the 'ole BOMB rating, and justifiably so.


The fact that the movie "offended" you shows that you are way to in to hyperbole to have a rational conversation. As far as it being bad, that's your opinion. I doubt you've even watched it. I know a lot of folks who like it, for various reasons. It's a hot seller in DVD, it gets lots of air time and it was number 11 the year it came out (against some seriously stiff competition.

Green Berets remains an honest portrayal of a part of the Vietnam war, based on some real stories from a best selling novel. The major pobelms with it, specifically special effects and editing, are pretty typical for the genre of the time.

As for the movies you mentioned Apocolyps now and Deers hunter. They are certainly better technical movies (AN at least) and better acted. I found the part in the POW camp of Deer Hunter to be very moving and can't help but get excited whenever I watch it. Apocolyps Now has some of the best cinimatography and one liners in any movie ever. But neither one is an accurate portrayal of anything that happened during the war, so no, personaly I don't consider them real Vietnam movies.


Well put Switzer.

I've never considered Apocolyps Now a "Vietnam" movie, as you stated, few parts were real, and none were connected.

Though I do consider Deer Hunter as one. A soldier dealing with the effects, even after it's "over", has to count.

I'm glad someone here has actually seen The Boys in Company C, and Purple Hearts.

As for The Green Berets, I think the problems some have with it come from the fact it shows USASF as disciplined, dedicated troops with a real direction; as opposed to a dirty, bearded mob hacking off ears and eating babies.
If not that, then perhaps showing Field Grade Officers, as competent, grounded leaders instead of stodgy, out-of-touch, old farts just "offends" people and their 'memories' of the way it was.

As for any problems with the FX;
It was 1967/1968, and done by Warner Bro's, who were still doing forties and fifties-style westerns with red glop for blood, and simple camera angles were 'the way it is done'.

"That's refreshing Jenner, usually you're screaming about us."


Apocoplypse Now is a reinterpritation of "Heart of Darkness" a movie set in Africa--- It can also be said to POSSIBLY be inspired by Dante though so very loosley.

What about is Vietnam? Its set in a place called Vietnam but nothing inthe movie bore any relation to anything that happened to anyone over there.

You think colonels could really just destroy whole villiages so they could surf?

A USO show, in the field, at night? How many real USO shows had soldiers charging the stage too?

The bridge is just ridiculous

How many SF guys ran off and went crazy like that? Why not send in a CIA spook or a team to kill him? Just one lone assasin on a boat full of grunts? C'mon! Look at the real-life Phenix program, we could deal assasinations out pretty good.

The leaderless unit. crazy. These people had to report into someone or the Army would wonder what happened. THis is Vietnam, not Stalingrad.

Now thats looking at the movie from a technical standpoint and asking is this a good "Vietnam Movie". Looking at it from teh point of view of a movie remake of Heart of Darkness set in settings more familiar to a movie audience and yes it is a good film. But not a Vietnam film.

Hamburger Hill is the best for authenticity of how GI's looked, felt, and acted and did a good job of condencing teh battle down.

We Were Soldiers-- Not bad, but was a little too "feel good". These were young men in a war, they got a little bit saltier and grittier than there. Still historicall its great and well worth the viewing.



"No way, you don't want to kill the yellow man? Don't fire your weapon.
All I want from anyone is for them to get their ass in the grass with the rest of us."
Dylan McDermott - aka S/SGT Franz.

"That's refreshing Jenner, usually you're screaming about us."


When Green Berets was released didn't it bomb ? Cos TV and close media coverage of Vietnam showed such a big diversity between fact and Hollywood with the Duke's patriotic olde-worlde war style movie ?

If I gotta die for a word - my word's P O O N T A N G !


LOL Please bear in mind that a lot of those movies are pure fantasy and fiction.


"The Boys From Company C" is among the top 'Nam movies. Don't forget "Flight of the Intruder." And Robert Wise said "The Sand Pebbles" was actually about Vietnam.


Last Year in Viet Nam (1971)

Oliver stone, student film done while at NYU


Another couple you all have overlooked, Gene Hackman...Danny Glover...Bat 21. Also, Flight of the Intruder (although the book was much better). :)
