MovieChat Forums > Hamburger Hill (1987) Discussion > Excellent musical score by Phillip Glass

Excellent musical score by Phillip Glass

Haunting and moving. Surprised there is no CD with soundtrack. Even more surprised the music isn't used in trailers for other movies and in commercials. The music from Glory can be heard everywhere. Hamburger Hill's music is almost as good. Especially the opening scene and the closing credits. And when they are charging up the Hill.


Ahh I just mentioned the score in another post on this board, calling it "haunting" too haha..indeed a most impressive score and it has always stuck in the back of my mind, the music accompanying those parts. I'll try to find it on Soulseek.



Whenever I watch this movie, I HAVE TO turn the volume up all the way. I love without end the opening score. I'll keep it up until the last barrage of enemy artillery explodes.

I love this score. I wish it was in a compilation of Philip Glass's other works, but I haven't found it.


Philip Glass's work is always haunting and brilliant. You should also check out the great scores he composed for Koyaanisqatsi, The Truman Show, The Hours, Kundun, Mishima, Candyman and many other movies.


Yeah, the score he did for Secret Window was the only redeeming value that that movie had!


Glass is a terrific composer. Nobody sounds like he does.


great score!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...

