Extra Scenes
Anyone notice the difference in teh AMC versions vs the version they saw in the theaters or on DVD?
a few things I've noticed
1) QUality--grainy and not using a good print.
2) Sound. This is odd, but the back groudn noise is less. You can hear more of Doc in the chopper.
3) Gunshots--goes with the sound. You can hear the weaker sound of blanks as the real gunshots (which sound different aren't edited in)
4) extra battle scenes on the hill. I'm sure these were edited in to make up for scenes that had to be cut for content, but there is more fightign in the AMC version.
Also, for some reason AMC cuts away from the meeting with the Weber, the LT, and the other SGT's and shows the chopper from teh "Man in the bird wants to play war" scene. The dialog is still in place, but they have a throwaway shot to the chopper. Really odd, wonder why they cut there?