Vietnam War: Fact vs Fiction
Having viewed a couple of posts on other boards with fictional "facts" about the war, I did some research and found some interesting rebukes of these myths. In this post, I will address four of my choosing. Some of you will already know these.
The majority of the soldiers who served in Vietnam were drafted.
75% of the soldiers who served in Vietnam volunteered to go. Approx. 38% of those killed were draftees.
Black soldiers served in disproportionate numbers during the war.
Approx. 10.5% of the soldiers who fought in Vietnam were black. The black pop. of the US at the time was 12.5%. Blacks volunteered at approx. the same rate as whites.
The US military used uneducated, poor grunts as cannon fodder.
79% of US servicemen had a high school education or better. Infantry officers, who suffered high casualty rates, and pilots were college educated. Some did slipped through the cracks unfortunately (Calley).
The average age of the US soldier was 19.
Based on KIA statistics, the average age of the US soldier in Vietnam was 22. share