worst movie ever

this movie is not believable. the scene with the prostitutes is like 25 minutes too long. i saw it 5 years ago and remember thinking it was crap. no character development, no plot, nothing but a pile of poo. this movie is awful and needs a low rating.


Funny you should say that when I absolutely love this movie. One of my fave Vietnam films.


I recall in the first 40 minutes there is like 6 outbursts and fights between the grunts, WTF!? The Script could have been better.


The script is what sets this film apart from all the other mediocre Vietnam, and war flicks in general. The dialogue was intense, and brilliantly realistic. Are you one of those nuts who thinks that spr's crappy dialogue was good???? Hahahaha....



Are you kidding? It needs more prostitutes!

I prefer Shakespearean endings.



I couldn't have said it better. Also the movie happens to be a very good movie in many ways the only thing that could have used some work was the character development, which wasn't entirely bad though.



My friend's dad fought on Hamburger Hill and said it was like that...well the action....he also decapitated a vietcong



how did this topic go from worst movie ever to someone getting decapitated? uh...yeah my grand dad took a poo on hamburger hill



i just laughing my arse off at this.


It's hardly the worst movie ever... see 'Biodome' or 'Yentl'. But there is, regrettably, a lot to hate about this film.


This movie is awesome. It's very playlike, very mamet so it does not appeal to everyone.


I fully agree, these people can't make a clear *beep* statement that has reasonable grounds. Produce the arguments, not bloody cliches! What's funny, is that a lot of war movies were made in 1986,87 and they look alike, but that may be a coincidence.


miriclemaker don't be such a dumbass. He shouldn't have to say that it's his opinion because it should go without saying; he's making a value judgement about a film so of course it's not a fact. You are a moron.

I fought on Hamburger hill till I realised my government lied to me about the war, and I was there because of some old rich dude's paranoia about communism then I left. And hoped I could pretend it never happened.


Thank you for your service to this country harrykeeling1987.

I saw a History Channel documentary on the 101st Airborne that showed aerial film footage of "Hamburger Hill" after the battle was over. It looked EXACTLY like it does in the movie. All of the trees/vegetation were gone leaving a bald looking hill with a few jagged tree stumps sticking out of the ground. They definitely got the visuals correct in the movie.


You fought there, but then left when you decided you didn't like the reasons? Sounds like cowardice in the face of the enemy to me. And sickens me.

"Geez, it's like a temp agency for midget criminal minds." Do YOU know where this quote came from??



So you don't go off on some rant about the movies someone wants us to live in, he was talking about the fact that he didn't like the reasons and left, please don't go off on such crazy rants, he thought it was cowardise that made that guy leave, don't decide he hates independent thought because of that.


To Harry Keeling: What kind of outfit were you with that you could "just leave"? In my Central Highlands experience (1969-1971) leaving was based on rotating home ,med-evacing, or via body bag (sometimes stenciled "Members Missing"). Trivia Quiz: Who in this forum remembers/knows the hilarious 3 words that appeared on Claymore Mines?
Harry: At 19 years old, I was neither politically aware enough nor empowered to act on my free will while serving.My job, as I saw it, was to get home with members present. I was lucky, and that is my bottom line.
Cicero Grimes


That'd be 'Front Toward Enemy'. I read that the enemy would sometimes sneak up to a firebase turn all the claymores around and then attack the base, you can guess what happened when the defenders blew their claymores.



To Ctsamados: One sapper could pull it off just by crawling in,turning the (command-detonated) unit around,make some noise, and watch the fun.No attack necessary. I always thought "Front Toward Enemy" was similar to "Remove Before Operating Vehicle" that you used to see on windshield sun-blockers.
Cicero Grimes


It's not too bad, but it is not a masterpiece like Platoon, Apocalypse Now, Deer Hunter or even Full metal Jacket, but it is one of the best vietnam movie, that isnt by a big name director. so thats why i kindof like it, by the way, its one of the few vietnam movies that are totally in fact.


Full Metal Jacket a masterpiece??? Never, I've seen the movie, didn't find it that good.



wow, that's amazing. what was your MOS? but what do you mean you fought until you realized you were lied to? it's not as if you can just NOT fight.



wow, that's amazing. what was your MOS? but what do you mean you fought until you realized you were lied to? it's not as if you can just NOT fight.



So why is there 1987 in your name? Cuz you would have been -20 or so if that is when you were born... which I think it is. Therefore it is impossible that you were at Hambureger Hill in the friggin' Vietman conflict. I think there is some pretending going on.


I see this title "worst movie ever" in almost every board. please, change the title or don't make new threads.

And this one is not the worst movie ever

*We got a bookoo movement *


Tis movie is great! Its true to life, its got mements in it that you don't see in such horrible detail in war movies (The Friendly Fire scene) and the character development, I thought, was fine. The character of the Sergant was particully good...

So, to the original poster, you wouldn't know a good war movie if it stood on top of a hill, painted itself purple, started jumping up and down singing 'she'll be coming round the mountain'...so keep your dumbass opinions to yourself...dick.

'The greastest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.'


i know a good war movie when i see one and this IS one!!!

how can it be the worst movie ever have you seen all the movies ever made hmmm?


indeed I have seen every movie ever made . . . except for Titanic


I have seen a lot of movies including titanic (who hasn't?)

I rate this movie highly and i have seen pretty much all the war movies/docos that count. For realism, it and black hawk down are the most realistic.

A lot of people don't like this movie for some reason, i think if you enjoy war movies you will like this one but if you're an average movie go'er you most likely won't.


Hamburger Hill is an amazing film! This movie made Don Cheadle! One of the best Viet Nam war films ever made. Fact.




Burnetten, as a vet what do you make of the film All Creatures Great and Small? Is it true to life?




While its not on the level of Apocalypse now, Platoon or Full metal jacket, hamburger hill is decent and really good the first time you watch it.

Rulers should be beyond temptation or weakness



how about Stripes? wait not vietnam, um In the Army a classic, wait , dame!

the best movie about everything in vietnam is Full Metal Jacket, trust me i dant like the acting or the story, but its first Kubrick, second a great boot camp scene and it covers the tet offensive in a great Urban environment.
I dont think its a better MOVIE than ApoculyNow or Platoon, but it is a better WAR MOVIE.


What made Full Metal Jacket completely unbelievable was that the battle scenes didn't look remotely like Vietnam. They were filmed in England in an area that was about to be demolished for redevelopment, and that's what it looked like.


I'm surprised you think this. I think Hamburger Hill was one of the best war movies I have ever seen. It was fast paced, character development was quite good, tensions between soldiers, battle scenes all were great. The music by Philip Glass was outstanding. Hamburger Hill shows the triumph of winning a battle along with its pain and ultimate futility. This is one of the most underrated films of all time.


your a "05-year vet and your posting with us teens, your weird dude


grey fx89 sez:
>posting with us teens, your weird dude<

......why does it matter if someone is a "05 yr vet, fought in WWII(if still alive & able to write) or fought in NAM???? War is war, & don't you think everyone that has done their tour of duty, have something in common, regardless of the age???? Not to mention "posting with us teens" so have you guys been to war?

just curious,


No character development! Perhaps you were too THICK to see the character development numb nuts. The characters were developed well enough, the action believable, the production design was outstanding, and the director wasn’t trying to shove a political message down anyone’s throat.

It was just a about a slightly dysfunctional family of guys doing their duty in a hostile environment while the country as a whole couldn't have given a shyte less.

Of course I wouldn't expect a little dip that’s HOT for the Harry Potter series to like or even be able to perceive reality even if it smacked her in her homely little face.


You're right tankermo. I have no credibility because I dig Harry Potter. However, your history of excessive posting on Land of the Dead merits you unparalleled ability to "perceive reality."


"I have no credibility because I dig Harry Potter."

The fact that you are hung up on a series of books and films meant for grade school kids just means that you are a bit slow. By the way, do you collect the H. Potter action figures and other H Potter pariphinalia as well? Do you have a magic wand?

"your history of excessive posting on Land of the Dead merits you unparalleled ability to "perceive reality."

How right you are! (If there is a note of sarcasm in your message I will ignore it.)
