Anti-Vietnam War protesters attacking individual soldiers - real?
While I understand that the main thrust of this film was not to make a political statement but to present as accurately as possible a portrait of the US combat soldier's experience of battle in Vietnam, I have to take issue with the political statements made in the film about anti-war protesters, particularly the one speech where a soldier relates a story about a man in his hometown getting calls from anti-war protesters telling him that they're glad his son was killed by the "patriotic peoples of Vietnam". There is also another line where a combat journalist tells a soldier that Senator Kennedy (I'm assuming they meant RFK, although it isn't specified in the film - and btw, can anyone confirm that "Senator Kennedy" made any such remarks?) said they have no chance of taking Hamburger Hill.
My understanding of anti-war activities in the US during Vietnam is that many of the stories of individual protesters attacking individual stories didn't begin to circulate until the mid-1980s, when conservative think-tanks established after the war to prevent another "loss of narrative" began to put about the idea that it was only weak support for the war at home that kept the US from succeeding in Vietnam. One example of this is the inability of anyone to come up with a documented example of the famous "protester spitting on a returning uniformed soldier" story.
I certainly don't doubt that anti-war individuals may have taken offensive personal actions - when you have such a large, heterogeneous group, it's hard to rule anything out absolutely. But my question remains - why include such clearly-vilifying and unconfirmed events in a movie meant to be relatively apolitical? And to what extent is the whole "stabbed in the back" narrative just a convenient excuse, made up by a conservative movement who could not accept the idea that the US military wasn't both angelic and invincible, and it was only the cowardly students and Democrats back home that kept Vietnam from being a total victory?