I'm probably spelling that wrong, but I tried to look it up and couldn't find any info. Anybody able to inform of me of what this was? It's mentioned in the scene with the speech and demo to the FNG's with Hahn sneaking up on them.
It means "open hand". Leaflets were dropped in the north in hopes that NVA and VC soldiers would bring the leaflets and safely surrender to American and ARVN troops.
Just to add my two-bits of questionable value: OP I think it was spelled 'Chieu hoi', which might explain why you couldn't find anything on Wiki(as dubious as THAT source is)
Ya that is closer, Chieu Hoi really doesn't translate to English. It was called the 'Open Arms' program, in Vietnamese it means 'greetings'. The leaflets were airdropped and distributed all over the south in areas of concentrations of enemy troops to encourage defection.
You can still buy them here, originals and reproductions.
I still have 8 or 10 leaflets that I brought home (along with some MPCs - Military Payment Certificates, the American currency used there in lieu of dollars). They're all in Vietnamese, of course, but they have photos or illustrations on them that make them interesting mementos.