MovieChat Forums > Le grand chemin (1987) Discussion > Why aren't more people watching and disc...

Why aren't more people watching and discussing this???

Could it be because it's only available in VHS in the USA? I suppose that would be the main reason.


This film, if it is not a masterpiece, is as close to being one as you can get. It seems like there's a standard list of foreign language films that people recommend, and they make their rounds on IMDb. Films like "Run Lola Run" and "Amelie" and "Bicycle Thief". This is not one to ever be recommended. But that's not because it not great, it's just because hardly anyone has watched it (only 650 votes as of this writing). This is one of the best films to ever come out of France. I've seen a lot of FLF's and Le Grand Chemin has easily found its way into my Top 10 of favorites.

If you haven't seen this, you're really missing out on a real gem. It's totally worth spending the money and getting the DVD from Europe:

ROTA Top Foreign Lang. Films:



I agree.


As do I. One of my favorite films. Sad to know that the Hollywood version Paradise essentially "nipped it in the bud," but its portrayal of an unhappy marriage in a small village in the French countryside set in the 1950s, and the fact that it has subtitles may deter many from watching and discussing it.


No offense to anyone, but, bluntly said, it's because USAmericans are too dense. They're not interested in European films, or any non-US film for that matter. They will claim they don't understand them, but the real reason is that they don't want to make an effort at it. They will only watch "Le Grand Chemin" if it's remade in the US, adapted to the taste of Joe Sixpack (God forbid).

USAmericans in general are probably the most self-centered people in the world.

Rome! By all means, Rome.


I think the lack of subtitles on French DVDs is the main reason why so few foreigners are watching it. I himself accidentaly discovered it while searching information about an other childrens movie and was able to watch it thanks to the subs I found from internet.
As far as I understood it is semi-autobiographical story and because the little Antoine is played by Jean-Loup Hubert's own son, the movie looks very real. Because the father knows how his son will react in certain situations, don't he?


I agree, it's a pity it's not better known. For another French film about childhood, which has some things in common with Le Grand Chemin, I recommend Forbidden Games (Jeux Interdits), which is a masterpiece.


Kinda hard to find too.


It's not even available on US Amazon for purchase (physical media and streaming).

Seems the snooty Europeans refuse to share. HBO did run this on cable in the late 80s though and that's how I saw it. Blockbuster video also carried it, but well into the 21st Century it seems le French pulled it back IN.


Or the US-Americans rather sell their remake Paradise (1991). πŸ˜‰β€‹
