I only cought the end today, but those Garbage Pail Kids were scary as hell.
I couldn't imagine watching this as a kid.
I only cought the end today, but those Garbage Pail Kids were scary as hell.
I couldn't imagine watching this as a kid.
Totally, I haven't seen this since I was real young and I can still remember how freaked out I was.
"Everybody be cool... you be cool" George Clooney as Seth Gecko in From Dusk Till Dawn
i remember vaguely, renting this out in about 87,88 from a long gone video store, was about 3 or 4 when i saw it, i just kept hiding away from foul phil, ali gator and valerie vomit, they just freaked me out!
shareThe video store we always rented from was tiny and cruddy looking. Ahh, the video stores of my youth. Now I dont even have to go to the video store.