Non Union Sweat Shop

Hopefully I'm not commenting on something that has been mentioned already.

Did anyone notice that the world they've created in this movie (besides the garbage pail kids themselves) is really weird?
20 year old thugs mugging 14 year olds in broad daylight,
a building with a sign out front that reads "Non Union Sweat Shop,"
The State Home for the Ugly ("I can't believe such a place exists!"),
The Toughest Bar in the World, a sorcerer who runs an antique shop...
It's like a pre-apocalyptic world with post-apocalyptic values.

I suppose it makes sense, though. I think it was meant as an anti-censorship movie, possibly in response to peoples' criticism of the GPK card series. I think they wanted to say "these cards aren't disgusting; it's society that's disgusting." Cap'n Manzini sums up the message of the film with his last line, which I can't recall at the moment.


I loved this movie as a kid and now almost 20 years later I find the DVD and forced my girlfriend to buy it. I have never laughed so freakin hard, this is the ultimate MST3K style movie, theres just so much to make fun of and laugh at.
Don't forget the whole statutory rape age difference in "Tangerine" and Dodger the garbage pail "kids" geting drunk, cannabalism, and the underground street selling of clothing.


I thought saying it's non union was so we feel stealing from them is ok.


Let me start by saying I have no problem sitting thru movies chocked full of exterme torture ala "Man Behind the Sun","Rubbers Lover" or films of any so called disturbing subject matter.That being said after watching this movie stoned I had nightmares for weeks. More disturbing than any gore filled, snuff film ,rape-fest could ever hope to be. Especially the weird baby thing.I shudder at the thought of him,(it).P.S. was there actually a script? at times it felt like it was shot gonzo-style. Perhaps it was a documetary. Nothing about this movie made sense. Loved it.


the line captain manzini said at the end of the film was ( you can't change the world by locking yourself away ) one of the best morality films of all time
