On DVD???

Anyone know about a dvd for this movie?


Yup...just picked it up tonight at Wal-mart.


it has been out for quite a while now


Hi my name is Jimmy but what walmart did you get it from because the one I go to they don't sell it and when i ask they say oh they willl ship tomorrow so i'm the early bird and they said oh next weeek and i go and they keep on saying it grrrrr I JUST WANT MY GARBAGE PAIL KIDS DVD TO ENJOY IT! Ahme sorry i yelled I just get mad easily so plz help me find my dvd please.


yey ebay $7 :)


I think I picked up my copy back in 2005, and it was in a drug store at the check out counter.

Death is never certain until you get poked in the eye with a stick.
