Looking for Garbage Gang cards

Recently dug out my old Garbage Gang cards (UK series) and would love to comlete my set, but they're impossible to find without forking out for a full set on eBay. Anyone know where I can get hold of any? I would be ridiculously appreciative.

http://lastscreenmassacre.blogspot.com To avoid fainting, keep repeating: It's only a blog...only a blog...only a blog


Better pony up on eBay. I vaguely remember when those cards came out and I had several (mine got tossed) , but I have not seen them anywhere else since they discontinued the franchise.

The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage. He is in front of it.


I got all my sets on ebay although I bought the US sets because they didnt mess up the numbering system like the UK sets
