I noticed this

I recently watched this and noticed something. When Tangerine is talking with the Astin character in her room, she uncrosses her legs and recrosses them. I don't think the filmakers noticed, but there is a little "Basic Instinct" moment. Let me know if I am wrong.


You are sooo right.


so weird my girlfriend and i noticed this the other night too, but your eyes may be playing tricks, because she is wearing pantyhose.


Yeah, but you can see through those hose, my friend. I saw this as a kid and I am glad that I didn't see it then.



Is she definitely wearing pantyhose? If so I guess it could be the stitching at the front. If not... damn.

Seems unlikely that the actress and director would allow a vagina-slip surely?

Here’s an enhanced image: https://twitter.com/themanchildshow/status/770252942733520896?s=21


You are wrong my dad made this and the cards it was nothing are you trying to say it's a bad movie are you? My dad made it on my birthday i find that offensive u don't like it!


Is schustek a Garbage Pail Kid?

Trailers 4 a Raimi inspired lo-budget homage picture: www.myspace.com/designsonreality


It couldnt be a reference to basic instinct
it was made before it


Still, you can barely see anything down there anyway.

There is no close-up shot, like the one in BASIC INSTINCT. It would have been shocking if there was though.


@Mia they didn't say it was a reference. They said it was a moment like BI, meaning she flashes her va jay jay, like Sharon Stone did.


I also noticed when she did "Cross my heart" She did it on her nipple.

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