Is this movie so bad it's good?

Or just plain bad?

"Oh wow, good Nyborg"-Heavy Metal.



"A Squid Eating Dough in a Polyethylene Bag Is Fast and Bulbous, Got Me?"


No it's not so bad that it's good, it is really disturbing and disgusting though.

"They're crabs, they're eating him... nature sucks."


best. movie. evar.


Personally I think it is just plain bad and that is being generous.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


It is bad but it is also very entertaining, for reasons other than its badness.




So bad it's watchable for me, it's one of those films that I can't believe they actually made, I mean it's terrible but its also kind of insane and that makes it interesting. It's a kids movie that has Santa in jail for being 'Too Fat' and Gandhi in jail for being 'Too skinny' I mean WTF? That's effin nuts! Other oddities include vicious 30 year old bullies picking on 12 year old kids, the GP kids working in a sweat shop making michael Jackson jackets, ridiculous names like Dodger, Juice and Tangerine, the garbage pail kids singing a horrid song about working with each other (I'm still not sure if it was a parody of corny kids movie songs or what) this movie is freaking crazy in every way!!!


Bad enough to haunt my nightmares with only watching a review on it.


I quite enjoyed this.



Always thought it was pretty entertaining.


Very dumb movie, but an entertaining enough one as well. It was all sorts of insane .


It was weird all right, but not really what i'd call good, I did like the lead actress though, too bad she wasn't in a better film.


I can't believe how much I liked this. Got the same enjoyment out of it that some get out of The Room.


It’s a mix, really. Anthony Newly is awesome as Captain Manzini, Mackenzie Astin is likeable as Dodger, and the film’s pacing is excellent. Other parts are amusingly bad, like some atrocious acting and bizarre script choices. But other parts... like that fucking song... are so cringeworthy that you’ll feel your skin crawl, it’s painful.

Worth watching to see a legendarily bad movie, the ongoing post-mortem is the real fun, and it’s a hoot listening to Astin in recent interviews talking about the experience in a good humoured way.
