Stilted dialog...

R Lee Ermey was excellent but his dialog was the only dialog in the film that felt natural. Everyone else’s lines were forced, unnatural, and stilted. The scene where Joker and Animal Mother have their little comeback standoff is nearly cringeworthy to watch because none of their comebacks are even remotely clever and nobody would be getting riled up and exciting by their comebacks like the soldiers in the background were. Also, the scene where Snowball says where Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK and the entire camp starts laughing. Why? He didnt say anything remotely funny. It’s like Kubrick doesn’t understand human interaction.


They laughed because Snowball said "book suppository building". Lee Harvey Olswald shot Kennedy from a book DEPOSITORY building...a pretty funny error.

Also, Joker was doing a poor immitation of John Wayne, which I think most millinials did not get. In Animal's response " You talk the talk, do you walk the walk?" is implying that Joker SOUNDS like John Wayne but he is not a real man like John Wayne. Them is fighting words around a group of Marines in the 1960's.

This movie is over thirty years old, set in a time period twenty years earlier. It is understandable that some of the references do not compute with generation y and z.


It’s not a generational thing, even in Vietnam soldiers didn’t talk like that.


There were not many Marines who acted like Private Joker that is for sure, but you have got to give some room for artistic licence.. otherwise it would be a real real dullll film.

That said, Lee Ermey did more than anybody in this film to promote the Marine corps since John Wayne.

Also in my defense, I have never heard a millennial sing 'The Mickey Mouse' theme song.😉
