Original ending

With the original, intended ending it’s a 10/10. The one released drags it down to 9 or 8/10.

The released Americanised theatre version is almost too hard to watch.

This film is great for me because I know what it’s like to be Alex Forrest.

Being the ugly unattractive woman no one wants. No man has ever shown me interest. Even when I was normal and healthy.

It should be noted that the wife was the first to make a death threat. I think that’s where I would snap.

Dan was the first to actually attempt murder on Alex, not the other way around. Since he’s a lawyer he should know the difference between animal cruelty and homicide.

I’ll probably write more on this thread afterwards.


You remind me of those nutcases from the Gone Girl boards who were ‘Team Amy’ 🤦🏻‍♂️


I was probably one of them back in the IMDb days.

I’m faithful and loyal and devoted housewife. Nothing wrong with that.


Please don’t kill anybody.


I didn’t.

And like I mentioned, it was not Alex the stalker who made the first death threat or murder attempt in the film.


So what? Alex was about as vile a human being as you can imagine - a manipulative, possessive, violent, psychotic tormentor who constantly sees herself as the victim.

Dan was far too patient with her, she needed a bullet in the head the moment she started invading his property.


But if you're a loyal wife and devoted to being faithful, I'd think you'd be supportive of Beth, not Alex, the temptress homewrecker??


Beth redeemed herself to Dan in the end. She seemed distant in the beginning until she realised Dan had an affair. I dislike the wife because she made the first death threat.


I'm a big Betty Broderick supporter.


Aw me too, a bit. She seems sweet.

I was thinking about her while doing laundry a few hours ago.


You must be shit in bed because if you are a good fuck I can guarantee there are men that don't give a shit how unattractive you are. Sounds to me like you are just trying to shoot above your level... Stop thinking white collar and start thinking skid row bum, there a man for you there.


I have never met a man with what you call a white collar job.

You seem triggered because you know men ditch good women every minute to simp for abusive cheating lying gold digging onlyfans whxres.


Triggered by your ignorance.


keep simping but don’t ever complain you don’t get good woman or wife


You know shit for brains, you might want to invest in a dictionary and learn what "simping" means because you've continually misused the word... maybe that's what no man want to fuck you, you're too damn stupid and they can't stand your ignorance.


A man who let’s his woman be promiscuous and let’s her financially dominate him, is a simp.

If you cared for dictionaries, you would know that “v. simping” is not in those that leave out internet slang.

And thank you for admitting that female incels have it worse than males.

Keep simping for that masculine hxrlxt who will never want or care about you.


And yet again you start pretending to know who or what I am. You might want to review what you've written because the only one that has stated who and what you are is you. You've claimed to be a butt ugly woman that can't find a man. I have never stated whether I'm male, female, straight, gay or something in between. So you're insistent use of the word simping has no justification. I've never claimed to be chasing women or giving a shit about them. Only that you, the self defined butt ugly cunt could get a man if that was what you wanted, if you can't find one then you've only exposed yourself to be an even more disgusting piece of shit than a cheap floozy in biker bar as the ugliest one can get a man. So I guess congratulation on being the ugliest woman in the world. Three cheers for Dainty Dung.


My posts triggered you. Your sexual orientation doesn’t matter. You like Gina Carano so that would make your orientation ambiguous regardless of sex. You hate that ugly incel have it worse than any man. That invalidates the victim complex most men have about the women they chase. Any sex and sexual orientation can simp.


Your ignornce just keeps getting more ridiculous. Not even sure where Gina Carano comes from especially since I have no crush on her at, I have in the past mention that she is a shittu actor. So if you want to stalk me miss Dung at least learn to read.


Your comebacks are no better than when libfems say that incels have sexual abnormalities


It wasn't a comeback it was simply the truth. Do the world a favor and learn to read before you start commenting.


Comparing me to waste is a comeback and it’s as truthful as the one's thots use against male incels


Think back Ms. Dung... you are the one that told us all how ugly and pathetic you were. So when people accept your own description of yourself as a waste it isn't a comeback. You do however continue to give evidence of how stupid you are since you can't even seem to remember what you've already said.


I am
ugly. You brought waste into this, not me. Don’t put numbers on my tab.


"I’ll probably write more on this thread afterwards."

Please don't bother.


don't be an asshole.


She also kidnapped their child and scared the F out of her. He was worried what she would do next. And sorry but I am not a beauty queen myself but you can make up for it in personality. Looks fade.


This has to be fake.


Lol. Have you even considered trying to discuss the actual flaws of Alex as a person, rather than just justifying her behavior towards Dan and his family?
