Public domain
How did this become public domain?
I downloaded it from the Library of Congress for free because it is public domain.
part of the reply via email from the Library Of Congress:
"...ESCAPE FROM SOBIBOR was received by the Library of Congress through
copyright deposit. The availability of the film online and on DVD and
video suggest that the film may be in the public domain, but, the only
way to determine if a film is truly in the public domain is to contact the
Copyright Office a request an official copyright search.
Copyright Office
Reference and Bibliography Section
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20559- 6000
Phone: (202) 707-6850
Web site: <>
In addition, the film is not available for download from the Library of
Congress. We hold a VHS copy of the film that can be viewed in our
reading room if you are conducting research of a specific nature leading
toward a publicly available work such as a dissertation, publication, or
film/television production. We regret that the facilities may not be used
for purely personal study or appreciation."
"...the film is not available for download..."
The reply is from a Reference Librarian
Moving Image Section
Library of Congress
Richard O.
Copyright term is life plus 70 years (longer for corporate works), so I'm guessing that the copyright owner(s) affirmatively dedicated the work to the public domain, probably for educational reasons.