When that nazi kills the baby and the mother that really sucked man .... I cried thinking how can the nazis be so cold-hearted. But I do stand by her "I spit on your offer" I rather die in one shot than be tortured for years...
This whole movie is sad, but I personally think this has to be one of the worst, it made me cry.
We're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. -Tyler Durden [Fight Club]
The scene at the end in the North camp. During the escape, we see those prisoners cant move, cant hear, are oblivious to reality, are beyond help. Truly, the walking dead. I cannot begin to imagine what those poor souls had seen and heard, to bring them to that horrible state of mind.
"During the escape, we see those prisoners cant move, cant hear, are oblivious to reality, are beyond help."
I never interpreted them that way. They all looked like they were praying(in the Jewish way prayers are said). Although Leon tried to hustle them all away, they wanted to pray to God, before making their own escape.
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!
The scene where they shoot the mother and the baby as well as the scene where the 13 people who attempted to escape have to choose a person to die with them. Imagine taking your loved one to die with you beyond his or or will.
"We share the same biology regardless of ideology"-Sting, 1985
the scene where the messenger boy goes to the "shower rooms" and whitnesses the long line of people walking to their death then a little lad runs out of the line to just run away and the guard lets loose the german shephard on him and well ...........you get to hear the rest!!
that image stayed with me more than most have ever have, and i first watched it in 1988 when i was 13.
i am so glad i have seen it and have the rest of the family over the years, the desired impact hit the target.
The scene where the attempted escapees have to choose someone to be executed with them. It's not that gory ore bloody, but that is one of the more chillings scenes I've ever seen in film or TV.
These are the following parts I think were most horrifying.
1) When the messenger boy realized the people were gassed in the 'showers', and saw one of the little boys attempt to run away, only to be attacked and probably torn apart to death by that dog.
2) When the Nazi soldier tried to take the baby away, and the baby screamed, and he shot both the mother AND her baby!
God damn it! Those Nazis are so freaking heartless!!
The absolute saddest scene for me is when Itzhak expresses the hope of seeing his wife and child again; Leon takes him outside, forces him to look at the chimneys and confront the truth. Itzhak breaks down, saying "They were my life."
As they were all fleeing, there were characters I'd come to love; it was horrifying watching them being picked off like game-sport.
There are so many parts of the movie that I find incredibly sad, and most of them have already been mentioned. But what probably gets to me the most is at the end of the film when the narrator explains what happened to the survivors, and we find out that Leon was murdered only 14 months after escaping from Sobibor. After everything he went through and did to help others both during and after Sobibor, he was still murdered just because he was a Jew.
I have to agree with the majority and say the worst (as in most painful) scenes to watch were the gas chamber sequence and the sequence with the mother and child, it was horrible to watch.
Though, in saying that- i'm glad Chaim Engel survived, he was my favourite character. :)
Champagne for my real friends, Real pain for my sham friends.
We are currently watching this movie in one of my classes at school. Haven't finished it yet, but the saddest for me so far was the scene where the SS officer killed that mother and her baby. That stuck me for the rest of the day at school today, and is still stuck with me now. What's even sadder is that most people at my school hate Jews, and they were actually LAUGHING during the movie.
Are you sure they were laughing at the DEATHS of the Jews? Or maybe they just thought the movie was bad?
Lots of sad scenes, some already mentioned here, including the boy and the German sheperd, and the mom and baby.
I felt sad too over how the romantic couples knew they were doomed, really.
And in the end, during the opportunity to escape, some of the inmates just stayed there, so stunned, not knowing what to do. They had been so brutalized that they practically had lost their will to live.
I think that they were actually laughing at the deaths, because the day they laughed the the teacher wasn't there, and they knew they could get away with laughing with the substitute we had.
What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss? - No Country For Old Men
I agree 100%. Most people who I go to school with have absolutely no heart whatsoever. One of the reasons I'll be packing my bags and getting the heck out of this town as soon as I graduate.
What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss? - No Country For Old Men
maybe i am just giving them too much credit (lots of people are just heartless and cruel), but maybe they laughed because watching such a thing was so uncomfortable? i think many people laugh when they are unsure how to react to something. they are not emotionally mature, and are in the presence of peers who also lack maturity and may deride any genuine emotional expression. laughing is an inappropriate response, but it is an outlet for overwhelming feeling nonetheless.
I actually thought the mass escape at the end was pretty sad, where the guards are shooting people in the back, and the mines are blowing people up and everything. Only bit I cried at. The voiceover at the end says that 300 people out of 600 got out, which means that 300 people never reached the forest. 300 people only reached a few yards of freedom before being killed.
Also the gas chamber scene was pretty disturbing but mainly because you can hear hundreds of screams as the camera pans across the gas chamber wall, I thought those sounds were harrowing.
Saddest??? tough to chose We are talking about the most obscene crimes ever commited by man.. this was an above average made for tv drama, some unbelievably tragic scenes, the mother and her baby,the cruel sadistic actions of the nazis in general, i was moved by the scene where arkin tells mild mannered jack shepard that his wife and child are dead,and shepard in a brilliantly moving piece of acting breaks down and says 'they were his life' That got to me, the other brutal scenes just got me angry. Alan arkin was as ever excellent as was joanna pakula a terrific actress who never got the super stardom her talent deserved.
Out of approximately 550 Jewish prisoners at the Sobibor death camp, 130 chose not to participate in the uprising (they remained in the camp); about 80 were killed during the escape either by machine gun fire from watchtowers or while getting through a mine field in the camp's outer perimeter; 170 more were recaptured by the Nazis during large-scale searches. All who remained in the camp or caught after the escape were executed. However, 53 Sobibor escapees survived the war.
I actually thought the mass escape at the end was pretty sad, where the guards are shooting people in the back, and the mines are blowing people up and everything.
That was tragic, but not sad. I thought that the whole of the escape was joyous, even though so many people died. It was people who had been pushed to the limit, fighting back and asserting themselves, even at the risk of their own life.
This movie shows humanity at its worst, but also at its best.
Shlomo: I will do anything for revenge, even if I have to die for it. Leon: How old are you? Shlomo: How old do you have to be? Leon: You are old enough.
And to think that people bleat nowadays about the UK bombing of Dresden..
In my opinion WW2 should not have ended as it did - the allies should have carpet bombed ALL the cities and town.. the total and complete removal of Germany from the world..
As, yes, I know - you'll all jump on me and shout out about becoming like them.. But that's the response of the moron-wowsers who ARE now the bleaters about Dresden.
History is cyclic.. sometime in the next 100 years someone will come to think of a 4th Reich and it will start all over again..
"Everyone likes to say, "Hitler did this", and, "Hitler did that". But the truth is Hitler did very little. He was a world class tyrant, but the evil actually done by the Third Reich, from the slave-labour camps to WW2 was all done by German citizens who were afraid to question if what they were told by their government was the truth or not, and who because they did not want to admit to themselves that they were afraid to question the government, refused to see the truth behind the Reichstag Fire, refused to see the invasion by Poland was a staged fake, and followed Hitler into national disaster"