Favorite Ernest Movie?

"Ernest Goes to Camp" would have to be my favorite of the bunch. It's not as silly as "Scared Stupid", but it's got some classic humor in it. After this one I'd say, "Ernest Goes to Jail", then "Ernest Saves Christmas", and finally "Ernest Scared Stupid". After that there really aren't anymore good ones, unless you like the one where he plays basketball...

Sometimes...there's a man.


Camp is by far the best, but I like Christmas then Jail then Scared then Goes to School then Basketball then Beverly Hillbilly's.

I am all that is man


"Ernest Goes to Camp" is the best. I bought it on DVD...Ernest Goes to Jail is the second best (remember when he was on jury duty and broke the ink pen in his mouth?). Then "Christmas" is the 3rd best...after that they were all pretty weak, "Scared Stupid" is probably the worst of them all though.


Beverly Hillbillies was not an Ernest movie.


for me i'd says it is a tie between ernest goes to camp and ernest saves xmas


My favorite was actually Ernest Goes to School, the first direct to video one. Here is how my list goes:

Ernest Goes to School
Ernest Goes to Camp
Ernest Saves Christmas
Ernest Goes to Jail
Slam Dunk Ernest
Ernest Scared Stupid
Ernest Rides Again
Ernest in the Army
Ernest Goes to Africa

Lets put a SMILE on that face!



For what it is, it's pretty solidly directed and edited.



My favorite Ernest movies were the Touchstone ones: Jail, Christmas, Camp, Scared Stupid, Slam Dunk. Didn't care much for the others.


When I was a kid, I think I liked Ernest Goes to Jail slightly more than this, for my favorite. Nowadays, I can tell Ernest Goes to Camp has probably the best script of all the Ernest movies.


Ernest goes to jail.It was very interesting seeing Jim Varney playing Ernest and Nash.Two completely different personalities!

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


mine would be Ernest Scared Stupid since I saw that in theaters when it came out.

This is Miami Pal, but lately its starting to look a lot like Disney Land!


I actually only saw Ernest Goes To Camp end to end a few times;maybe bits and pieces of the ones that followed.Ernest Saves Christmas seemed like it would have been funny,however.Jim Varney was on top of the mountain in 1988 between that Christmas release and his Saturday morning series.The Ernest character was over huge at the time,although the novelty wore off and it got predictable like everything else.
