
I have seen the first three films with the violent rape scenes and am frankly getting tired of watching these scenes. In the first one it had to be there. Fine. In the second, it seemed kind of ridiculous to have the daughter raped for a second time. Ok. In the third, they just have that woman neighbor get raped, just for the simple fact that the film could have a rape scene, which I guess the series became known for?!?

Anway, I liked the movies but don't want to watch this next one if it has a rape scene or any nudity for that matter. If someone could tell me if this has any nudity or the like please let me know because I am seriously thinking about calling it quits on this Death Wish series, no matter how likebale Charles Bronson is.


Seriously, its called Death Wish 4. You think it would be any diffrent?


No I'm serious. I am really tired of those scenes but love these movies. If someone could give me a serious answer please let me know.


Serious answer is....There is an mild attempted rape at the start but Kersey has other plans...Nothing else to do with rape after that.

My advice is watch this film, you wont regret it!!


This film has, to the best of my recollection, no nudity. It's the ONLY Death Wish in which bare breasts aren't shown.


That is correct, in the fifth boobs are shown in the begining during the fashionshow, but there are no nudity in DW4.

Saving Private Parts: Your Guide to Safe Sex



C'mon... What are you 10? they are just actors. I know it can be hard to see it that way; i had a hell of a hard time with hostel one and two. I am not saying to desensitize yourself, just keep telling yourself they are only actors and it was all done on a set. I will agree that first rape scene is pretty nasty though.


DWIV doesn't have a rape scene per se, but it does have a very well choreographed attempted rape at the beginning of the movie involving menacingly backlit characters, and ends with a very Empire Strikes Back-esque reveal when Paul rolls over the creep he just shot.
