MovieChat Forums > Death Wish 4: The Crackdown (1987) Discussion > Which building fall looked more fake?

Which building fall looked more fake?

The Cuban getting off the roof in Part 3 or Frank Boggs getting thrown off his balcony in Part 4.

I would have to go with The Cuban in Part 3. Did they only have budget for one take? There is no way that was the best shot. That was so bad, there aren't words to describe. Since all of Part 3 was a farce I guess it actually fits in with he rest of the movie.


I think at most that Frank Boggs getting thrown off the balcony in Part 4 is the fake. Because the body looks very fake, he should of been moving his arms and legs not falling down flat as a pancake (if you know what I mean).

But however The Cuban getting thrown off the roof in Part 3 that could of been better. When the Cuban gets thrown off the roof, it look a short fall but look at the bulding when he gets thrown off and look at it again when the cops arrive and position of the body before and after the fall.


Both of the dummies look hilariously fake. Also notice that the glass window shatters BEFORE Bauggs crashes through it.

And in reference to The Cuban's death, Bronson throws him off a fairly small building, but then in the next shot when the police have arrived the next morning, it's a *beep* skyscraper. Hilarious.


Clear dummy used in final scene when Bronson fires the rocket at Nathan White - on DVD it is hilariously obvious!
