Death Wish series

Death Wish was good....2 was fair...III/3 was AWFUL!
'4'? Well, let's just say I fell asleep after about 20 minutes.
I'll rewind this one and start again, but I must say this: Bronson, at 60+, still seems to get the 'babes' {cougars?} in these shows, even though he says almost NOTHING and can't carry a conversation if he had a forklift.
Did they have ANYONE writing dialogue for him in ANY of his 'Death' movies?

ok..ok...I watched ALL of '4', and it was better than my initial look after 20 minutes!
The end was rather STUPID {in the roller rink}, but this one was probably the 2nd best 'Death' one, in my opinion.
Haven't seen '5' yet!~
'You can't HANDLE the truth!


Death Wish 3 awful? Surely you jest?


DW4 has Danny Trejo- "don't i know u from some place?"

Check this out:

