Halloween Deathwish:Paul Kersey vs.Michael Myers vs. Leatherface
In light of freddy vs. Jason and Alien vs. Predator and other vs. fansty flicks. How about an ulitmate vs. flick and sequal in which Paul Kersey goes nugget flushing on two dueling horror slaher killers of Michael Myers of Halloween and Leatherface and clan of Texas chainsaw masscaer.
The Perfect Tile: Halloween Deathwish, Trick 'n' treat Myers and Leatherface You Stinking Punks
The Plot: Oct. 1
At Willow Grove insution, Michael Myers' home, his mentors and cult protectors of Dr. Terence Wynn and his allies of Conal Cochran of Silver Shamrock Inc. are planing to launch their own version 9/11 terorist attacks. How to do it? Is an army of Michael Myers masked zombie killers, "We are going to make 9/11 look like Mr. Rogers' Neigbourhood" say sinster sense of humour Cochran, "yes, we are finishing the job that bin laden left off speaking of, Myers is tieing some lose ends by paying Bin Laden's HQ a vist it" say Dr.Wynn "That will teach Bin laden not to double cross us" Cochran. Then Myeres shows up "Michael did you enjoy your vaction, sorry you didn't get to kill bin laden but I'll make it up to you, you are going to NYC and you are going to have some fun." Jolly Dr.Wynn "New York, the City that never sleep but it will be a city that lives in Terror" Cochran. Next Michael Myers and his cult protectors are in NYC, within seven days bodies are showing up every where. At an abonded meat packing plant in Brooklyn, the deranged and canniblistic Hewiit clan and their son Leatherface had setup shop since Texas got to hot for them. Now ewith a new home, Leathface and his deranged clan are going to turn NYC into their cannibal play ground.
One week later NYC is racked with mass killings by Myers and Leatherface and their crews, then the clash of the mass murdering slashers begins, when Myers and his zombie type killers attack a Rave club until Leatherface and clan shows up. Myers is piss with Leatherface and Leatherface is piss that Myers is his rivial. Now it's has become Michael Myers vs. Leatherface, and NYC has turn into a killing feild. For two weeks they turn the city into blood fighting each other while killing more, The NYPD is butchered, FBI powerless and the NY National Guard masscred along with the city cirminal scum and crime synicates.
Oct. 29, Myers masscares Madsion Sq garden and Leatherface clan members are holding hostages at Lincoln center. Upstate New york, ret. Dect. Skinner watchs TV news report of Myers and Leatherface war, "where is Paul kersey when the city needs". Oct 30. marshal law has been delcare in NYC, US Army and Mariens are in the streets fighting aa pitch battles agains Myers and Leatherface until it ends with a stallmate with Myers and Leatherface clan masscaring a Marine unit at Times Sq. While at the Jersey Highlands, at Fort Lee Park, a parked Lone RV, next to it a man with a .475 Widly Mangum watching the city burn "Too long the scum of Michael Myers and Leatherface clan walked the earth, and escape justice, now it's time to bring it to them my way" the man is Paul Keresy New York's viglantee, is now answering it's call once more and it's time to do some Nugget flushing!!!! While at Times Sq, it's litered with dead Marines and NYPD offices, a platton of Marines is all it's left surounded between Myers's masked psycho killers and Leatherface clan members, then out of no where a RV rammed through Myer's masked killers, while saving the Marine Paltoon. Then Paul Jumps out with a M-203 with him" Who the F+*K are you" say Leatherface's clanmember "Death" ,Paul while blowing them away.
It's now a battle to save New York and the world from the slasher scums of Michael Myers and Leatherface, it's a greatest fight Paul Keresy is facing, from the streets of NYC to the final show down at Willow grove Insitution, Paul won't stop until victory or die trying
Who shall win Paul Keresey? or Micheal Myers? or Leatherface?
Feel free to add and what's your version of the climaxic ending?
Also feel free to add which hero would help Paul Keresey (Say Max Payen or Jack Bauer)?
Also if you where Paul Keresy which "Nugget Flushing" weapons shall you use on Micheal Myers and Leatherface? My vesion is:
1)The .475 Widly Mangum (A must have)
2)The M-203 (second must have)
3) Walter PPK for closequater weapon
4) Franchi SPAS 15 Auto-12 gauge
5) The short barrel version of Barret Light fifty
6) M-249 SAW
7) Paul's sup RV armed with mini-guns and Mk-19 auto grenade launchers or say if Paul had the Landmaster assult veicheal (of Dammednation Alley)