John P Ryan!!!

I loved John P Ryan in this film, his performance was hilarious and creepy.Has 2 be one of the best character actors of all time.Bronson and him ad gd chemistry wud av been gr8 if they ad teamed up on a movie eh?.

They have to be stopped, Kersey!


John P Ryan was damn good at playing villans that were truly brutal and ruthless in all facets of who they were.


The Right Stuff
Runaway Train
Delta Force 2
Death Wish 4

The guy frequently seemed to have a sht-eating "I just came in my pants" grin on his face even when angry.


It was really over the top and fun to watch!

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


John P. Ryan was great, a truly underrated talent.


Captain Bob, you forgot about Avenging Force and Class of 1999, Ryan was great in those two films.



I had only known him through his superlative work as the father/rights activist of the first two It's Alive films. A truly wonderful job--but he sure aged a lot since It Lives Again.


Avenging Force he was epic quite frankly.

The end fight with Dudikoff was so good. As because Ryan was a 70 year old doing a high impact martial arts man-o-mano fight with Dudikoff. They got an obvious stunt double to do it all.

So to try to make it believable they got John P Ryan to do the most hilarious screams and crazyness for the fight.
