Yes, I keep my M-16 with grenade launcher behind the fridge
I believe what made the first two Death Wish films successful was that there was some type of realism to Paul Kersey and the situations he was put in. Originally he would just go around popping muggers with a .32, which I could see someone doing in real life.
Part 3 was completely over the top, so I don't even bother commenting about it. It was more of a comedy if anything.
Part 4 was a pretty good rebound to bring some respectability back to the franchise, but there were some silly things in it as well which would cause the average film cirtic to bash this movie, which they usually do. First is the arsenal he has behind the refrigerator. I know the guy in the beginnnig gave him a phone number for any type of weapon he may need, but I kind of have the feeling Kersey had those assault rifles in there ever since he moved back to LA.
I understand they had to make the stakes higher and higher for Kersey as the sequels rolled out, but turning Kersey into Rambo is what probably brings all the negative reviews.