plot question please

How does the Dr. know that the sisters have switched places at the end?? His piano plays, which means his heart is racing. The lady doesn't say anything, but suddenly the Dr. knows she switched...HOW ??



You know I thought the same thing. This is what I think, and please tell me, and be honest, if this is plausible. I have twin aunts. When people meet them they CANNOT tell them apart. But I am 37 now and have grown up with them and can tell the difference between them by inflections in their voice, mannerisms they do not share, subtle things a stranger would over look. This is what makes me think he knew they switched.....but you have a valid point, I first thought the same thing.....ancd this was the only thing I could think of.


The doctor lifted up a window seat and found Evelyn's body before Katie came downstairs dressed in Evelyn's clothes.

I live in a glass house, ergo, I throw no stones.


No, they showed him doing that looking at who he thought was the weird sister and not seeing it....I think it was something about how she had reacted the first time she heard the piano play.

Now Playing: America's Got Talent


He had told Katie that the piano started playing when his heart rate went up too high. He saw that she reacted, whereas Evelyn wouldn't have known what the piano playing was about. This let him know that Katie was impersonating Evelyn, so they had found "her."


No he doesn't see the body. Katie was the only one we know had knowledge of why the piano starts to play on its own -- when Dr. Lewis' heart is beating too fast. When the piano starts playing, she darts her eyes towards it and begins to act nervous; not at all like Evelyn, and the doctor then knows "Evelyn" is Katie.


That was Julie's body, not Evelyn's. Evelyn's was upstairs in the attic, remember? He even started stabbing it.
(It must have been the missing finger.)


His heart rate elevated because he was getting ready to jump at her and attempt to kill her. This tipped her off which is why she reacted. He realized it was her just before he jumped at her which is why the piano starting playing, showing that he realized it was her.


His heart rate elevated because he was getting ready to jump at her and attempt to kill her. This tipped her off which is why she reacted. He realized it was her just before he jumped at her which is why the piano starting playing, showing that he realized it was her.

Sorry divinedash, I disagree. The way I see it, he doesn't realize that she is Katie until after he sees her reaction to the piano playing. His heart is racing because "Evelyn" says she is leaving. Thus he thinks his plan is ruined, and he isn't going to get the money.

Dr. Lewis knew it was Katie not Evelyn, because she was playing a role, and the piano threw her out of character momentarily. She behaved like an actress who was forgetting her lines, Evelyn's reaction would have been different.
