I can't believe no one has commented on this...(spoilers)
I just watched this movie for the first time in over 20 years..I remembered it fondly..but in re-watching it, I have to say...SERIOUSLY?!?! A young(ish) able-bodied woman, held prisoner by a slight , almost delicate 'butler', and an old man in a wheelchair?!?! After realizing they were planning to kill her, drugged or not..she had DOZENS of opportunities to kick that old man down the stairs in his wheelchair, or even just tip it over, and roll it away from him..maybe she didn't want to hurt his feelings by taking advantage of his handicap?! So many times, as she stood there looking all helpless and meek, I imagined myself in the same situation..I'd have just stood there, and said.." Are you kidding me?!" She could have kneed the butler, and hit him with a poker..and even in the end..the old man hobbling up the attic stairs..instead of hiding in the corner, she should have stood at the top of the stairs, and just kicked him in the head, knocking him off the ladder to his doom. OR..close the attic hatch and sit on it! I just got all frustrated because they could have at least tried to show her doing even ONE of those things, and maybe show us why any of it wouldn't have worked for some reason.